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Frage English Antworten English
GROW INTO something. ----------- When I was young, my mum kept my old clothes for my little brother. He soon grew into them, but he hated wearing them. ---------- GROW INTO something.
Quedar bien a la medida, poder usar. (of a child) to grow big enough to fit into a piece of clothing that used to be too big.
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Quedar bien a la medida, poder usar. (of a child) to grow big enough to fit into a piece of clothing that used to be too big.
GROW INTO something. ----------- The trousers are a bit big now but he'll soon grow into them. ---------- (grow into) something.
GROW INTO something else.----------- He’s grown into a handsome young man. ---------- (grow into) something.
Comvertirse en, transformarse en. to gradually develop into a particular type of person over a period of time.
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Comvertirse en, transformarse en. to gradually develop into a particular type of person over a period of time.
GROW INTO something else. ----------- If it survives, a tadpole will grow into a frog. ---------- (grow into) something.
TAKE IN something. ----------- I'm not sure I "took all the lesson in" but I understood most of it. --------------- TAKE IN something.
Entender, asimilar, Internalizar, comprender por completo. to look at something carefully, noticing all the details.
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Entender, asimilar, Internalizar, comprender por completo. to look at something carefully, noticing all the details.
TAKE IN something. ----------- Did you "take in" much of what the professor was saying at the end of his lecture?. I couldn’t understand much of it myself. ---------------- (take in) something.
to make a piece of clothing narrower?... Acortar, agarrarle a, hacer mas chica la ropa.
Since Elias started exercising he’s lost a lot of weight, and most of his trousers are too big now. He’ll have to get his tailor to (ta- - them - -).
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TAKE something IN. ----------- Since Ceci's lost weight she's had to "take a lot of her clothes in". ---------- TAKE something IN.
TAKE something IN. ----------- Since Ceci's lost weight she's had to "take a lot of her clothes in". ---------- TAKE something IN.
TAKE IN something. ----------- Teacher Emma said, this tour of New Zealand 'takes in" both the North Island and the South Island, so you’ll see the whole country. ---------------- (take in) something.
incluir, abarcar. to include something.
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incluir, abarcar. to include something.
TAKE IN something. ----------- Maria Ovi said, the three-week cruise will "take in" the islands of Cuba and Puerto Rico. ---------------- (take in) something.
TUNE IN to something. ----------- Every morning while I’m driving to work I tune in to FM radio 99.5 and listen to the latest hit songs. ---------------------------- TUNE IN to something.
Sintonizar. to turn on the radio or television in order to listen to or watch a particular programme. (see also: listen in).
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Sintonizar. to turn on the radio or television in order to listen to or watch a particular programme. (see also: listen in).
TUNE IN to something. ----------- Don't forget to tune in next week for another exciting episode!. ------------- TUNE IN to something.
TALK somebody INTO something. ----------- Ceci didn’t want to join the English class, but Frank talked her into it by saying it’d help her get a good job in the future. ---------- TALK somebody INTO something.
Convencer a alguien de. To persuade someone to do something. (see also: talk round, bring around).
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Convencer a alguien de. To persuade someone to do something. (see also: talk round, bring around).
TALK somebody INTO something. ----------- Messi told the judge that his accountant talked him into making the false tax claims. ---------- TALK somebody INTO something.
TURN IN. ----------- I’m really tired so I’m going to turn in. I’ll see you in the morning. ---------- turn in.
irse a la cama a dormir. to go to bed. (see also: crash out).
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irse a la cama a dormir. to go to bed. (see also: crash out).
TURN IN. ----------- I'm going to turn in now - goodnight everyone. ---------- TURN IN.
TURN IN sth. ----------- You can leave after you’ve turned in your exam papers ........ TURN IN something.
Entregar, someter un trabajo o documento. to give a piece of written work to a teacher or employer. (see also: hand in).
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Entregar, someter un trabajo o documento. to give a piece of written work to a teacher or employer. (see also: hand in).
TURN IN sth. ----------- Diana's worried she won't be able to turn in her project on time. -------------------------------------------- (turn in) something.
TURN INTO something else. ----------- Isn’t it amazing how a caterpillar spends a few weeks inside a cocoon, and while it’s in there it (turns into) a butterfly?. ---------- TURN INTO something else.
Comvertirse, transformarse. to change and become something or someone different, or to make something or someone do this. (see also: change into).
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Comvertirse, transformarse. to change and become something or someone different, or to make something or someone do this. (see also: change into).
TURN INTO something else. ----------- There are fears that this minor conflict could (turn into) a full-scale war. ---------- (turn into) something.
LAUNCH INTO something. ----------- Donal launched into his usual long speech about industry and the environment. ------------ LAUNCH INTO something.
Lanzarse de lleno. to start doing or saying something [e.g. speech, story] in a very enthusiastic way. (see also: embark on).
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Lanzarse de lleno. to start doing or saying something [e.g. speech, story] in a very enthusiastic way. (see also: embark on).
LAUNCH INTO something. ----------- Donal launched into another long, boring speech on what’s wrong with the world, but we had to sit through it because he’s our president. ------------ LAUNCH INTO something.
LAY INTO somebody. ------- Jane got angry when she saw the mistakes in the design and "laid into" her technical team. ----------- (lay into) somebody.
Atacar a, pelearse con, agarrarse con, meterse con. to attack or criticize someone in an angry way. (see also: tell off).
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Atacar a, pelearse con, agarrarse con, meterse con. to attack or criticize someone in an angry way. (see also: tell off).
LAY INTO somebody. ------- Donal 'laid into" anyone who tried to oppose his ideas. ----------- LAY INTO somebody.
LEAVE IN something. ------- Donal said, don’t edit any comments out of the recording of the meeting. Make sure you leave everything in. ---------- LEAVE IN something.
Dejar intacto, dejar completo algo. to include or make someone or something part of a group, set, or collection of things.
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Dejar intacto, dejar completo algo. to include or make someone or something part of a group, set, or collection of things.
LEAVE IN something. ------- One of the love scenes in the movie was cut out, but the others were left in. ---------- (leave in) something.
LET somebody IN... ------- Nicola’s waiting at the door. Could someone let her in, please?. ---------- LET somebody IN.
Dejar entrar, hacer pasar. to allow a person or animal to enter a house, room, building, etc.
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Dejar entrar, hacer pasar. to allow a person or animal to enter a house, room, building, etc.
LET somebody IN. ------- I knocked on the door and Michelle let me in. ---------- let somebody in.
to EAVESDROP. ------- Lupe Muñoz was "eavesdropping" on private telephone conversations... ------------ to eavesdrop.
Escuchar detrás de la puerta, o escondidas. escuchar disimuladamente. to listen secretly to what other people are saying. to listen in.
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Escuchar detrás de la puerta, o escondidas. escuchar disimuladamente. to listen secretly to what other people are saying. to listen in.
to EAVESDROP...------- I didn't intend to "eavesdrop" but they were talking just outside my door. ------------ to eavesdrop.
LET sb IN ON sth. --------------- Hey Jose Ramirez, don’t "let anyone in on" the secret. Keep it to yourself. ---------------------------- LET somebody IN ON something.
Permitir revelar un secreto, dejar revelar un secreto. to allow somebody to share a secret.
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Permitir revelar un secreto, dejar revelar un secreto. to allow somebody to share a secret.
LET sb IN ON sth. -------------- Lalo, are you going to "let them in on" your plans? ---------------------------- (let somebody in on) something.

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