Piano Man / If I Could Build My Whole World Around You (16.03.18) + (20.03.18)

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We’re having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff.
to find new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job etc
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Mamy trudności z rekrutacją wystarczającej liczby wykwalifikowanych pracowników.
carry on
I want to carry on with my course.
to continue doing something
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Chcę dalej kontynuować swój kurs.
Jim commutes to Manhattan every day.
to regularly travel a long distance to get to work
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Jim codziennie dojeżdża na Manhattan.
The dishwasher is a wonderful invention.
a useful machine, tool, instrument etc that has been invented
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Zmywarka jest wspaniałym wynalazkiem.
tap water
Surely her ministers have convinced her that tap water really is safe and wholesome to drink.
water that comes out of a tap rather than a bottle
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woda z kranu
Z pewnością jej ministrowie przekonali ją, że woda z kranu jest naprawdę bezpieczna i zdrowa do picia.
Her arguments didn’t convince everyone.
to make someone feel certain that something is true
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Jej argumenty nie przekonały wszystkich.
The thieves stole a purse containing banknotes.
if something such as a bag, box, or place contains something, that thing is inside it
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Złodzieje ukradli torebkę z banknotami.
Which flavour do you want – chocolate or vanilla?
the particular taste of a food or drink
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Jaki smak chcesz - czekolada czy wanilia?
came up with
Is that the best excuse you can come up with?
to think of an idea, answer etc
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wymyślić coś
Czy to najlepsza wymówka, jaką możesz wymyślić?
The waitress refilled our coffee cups.
to fill something again
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ponownie napełniać
Kelnerka napełniła kubki z kawą.
wash away
My anxiety was washed away.
to get rid of unhappy feelings, thoughts, or memories
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Wysoka woda spłukała dużą część piasku wzdłuż linii brzegowej.
wrap up warm
She's all wrapped up warm with this big old coat on.
to put on enough clothes so that you do not feel cold
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ciepło się ubrać
Ubrała się ciepło w ten stary, wielki płaszcz.
Her life was filled with sorrow.
a feeling of great sadness
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Jej życie wypełnione było smutkiem.
He was a good man, full of tenderness.
gentle and careful in a way that shows love
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Był dobrym człowiekiem, pełnym czułości.
The incident raises doubts about the safety of nuclear power.
a feeling of being not sure whether something is true or right
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Incydent ten budzi wątpliwości co do bezpieczeństwa energii jądrowej.
The pool area is enclosed by a six-foot wall.
to surround something
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Teren basenu jest otoczony ścianą o wysokości sześciu stóp.
shuffle around
Jack sat nervously shuffling the papers around on his desk.
to walk very slowly and noisily, without lifting your feet off the ground
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przerzucać coś
Jack siedział nerwowo, przerzucając papiery na biurku.
real estate
A fall in the value of real estate.
property in the form of land or houses
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Spadek wartości nieruchomości.
estate agent
someone whose business is to buy and sell houses or land for people
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agent nieruchomości
the Navy
the part of the UK's military forces that operates at sea in ships and submarines
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marynarka wojenna

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