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Frage Antworten
przepraszam, jak dojade na lotnisko?
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excuse me, how do i get to the airport?
przepraszam, szukam kasy biletowej
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excuse me, I'm looking for a ticket office
czy moze mi pani wskazac droge do dworca kolejowego?
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can you show me the way to the train station?
idz prosto (ta ulica)
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go straight on (down this street)
skrec w lewo na swiatlach
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turn left at the traffic lights
skrec w druga ulice po prawej
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take the second right
miniesz sklep z butami
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go past the shoe store
przejdz przez ulice
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cross the street
dworzec bedzie po lewej stronie
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the train station is on your left
nie sposob tego nie zauwazyc
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you can’t miss it
o ktorej bedziemy w oxfordzie
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what time does it get to oxford
z ktorego peronu odjezdza ten pociag
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which platform does this train depart from
musi sie pan przesiasc w legnicy
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you have to change at legnica
poprosze bilet w jedna strone/ tam i z powrotem do paryza
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a single/return to paris please
czy to miejsce jest zajete
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Is this seat taken
czy moge prosic o miejsce przy oknie / przejsciu
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Can I ask for a window / aisle seat please
nie zostawiaj bagazu bez opieki
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do not leave luggage unattended
oto karta pokladowa
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here is your boarding card
witamy na pokladzie
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welcome on board
prosze zapiac pasy
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Please fasten your seatbelts

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