Polli 1

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bitter/dark chocolate
gorzka czekolada
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il cioccolato amaro/fondante
for me it is too sweet and not healthy
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per me è troppo dolce e non è sana/o
done deal!
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affare fatto!
So we'll talk next Monday
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Allora ci sentiamo lunedì prossimo
we come to an agreement
dogadać się, dojść do porozumienia
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ci mettiamo d'accordo
sorry for the delay
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scusa per il ritardo
scusami per il ritardo
essere in ritardo
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It was my friend's birthday
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era il compleanno di un mio amico
skończyć, wykonac, osiagnac
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compiere gli anni
He turned 35
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Lui ha compiuto 35 anni
kiedy ukończysz swoje wyzwanie
quando compi la tua sfida
we celebrated together
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abbiamo festegiato insieme
we woke up in the afternoon
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ci siamo svegliati di pomeriggio
yesterday there was the concert in... in Warsaw
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ieri c'era il concerto di... a Varsavia
I couldn't go
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Non sono potuta andare
essere + zmiana końcówki + bezokolicznik
my heart broke
mam złamane serce
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il mio cuore si è spezzato
spezzare- brak apart (rozpaść się)
What does it mean?
co to oznacza
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Che cosa significa?
Wasted Youth
zmarnowana młodość
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Gioventù bruciata
Do you know his latest song?
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Conosci la sua ultima canzone?
we have the same age'
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abbiamo la stessa eta'
Never say never in life
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Mai dire mai nella vita
Do you know it by heart?
Znasz ja na pamięć?
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La sai a memoria?
sai = sapere
Tell me
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Does he have more or less the same style as
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Più o meno lui ha lo stesso stile di
stile di vita
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In June I'm going to the concert
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A giugno vado al concerto di
very expensie
piekielnie drogie
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caro/a come il fuoco
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allora, guarda, quindi
shut up! I will not talk anymore
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sta zitta! non parlo più
Are you free in August?
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Sei libera/o ad agosto?
Maybe you would like to go to the seaside with us?
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Forse vorresti andare con noi al mare?
My husband's friends are also there
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Ci sono anche gli amici di mio marito
What do you say?
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Che ne dici?
What do you think about it?
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Che ne pensi?
I think it's a great idea
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Penso che è un'ottima idea!
Therefore I am very happy to come with you
pójdę chetnie z tobą
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Perciò vengo volentieri con te al mare
perciò zatem dlatego tak
Have you ever been to Italy?
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Sei mai stato in Italia?
yes, I was there once
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sì, ci sono stato/a una volta
Are you coming to the party tomorrow?
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Vieni alla festa domani?
a+ la
There are many things I would like to talk to you about
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Ci sono tante cose di cui vorrei parlarti
Ania isn't there
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Ania non c'è
Do you believe everything Mario says?
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Credi a tutto quello che racconta Mario?
raccontare- opowiedzieć, opisać, rozpowiadać/ credere a
I don't believe it
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Non ci credo
I'll never get used to it
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Non mi ci abituerò mai
przyzwyczaić się do czegoś
Abituarsi a qualcosa
you can count on me
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Puoi contare su di me
contare su qualcosa, su qualcuno
can I count on it?
mogę na to liczyć
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ci posso contare?
I don't hear anything
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non ci sento niente
I don't understand anything about it
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non ci capisco niente, non ne capisco niente
I can not handle it anymore
nie daje już rady
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non ce la faccio più
we plan to sunbathe
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abbiamo intenzione di prendere il sole
avere intenzione di
all the time
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per tutto il tempo
it's fine for me
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per me va benissimo
It seems perfect to me!
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mi sembra perfetto!
I hope so
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spero di si
I love sunbathing and relaxing
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io adoro prendere il sole e rilassarmi
I don't remember anymore, it's been a long time since I have been by the sea
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Non mi ricordo più, è passato tanto tempo da quando sono stata al mare
we split the costs
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dividiamo le spese
Which city are you planning to go to?
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In quale città avete intenzione di andare?
In the evening walking around the city, walking around (walking around)
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Di sera passeggiare per la città, andare in giro (girare)
take a ride
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fare un giro
I think I can't, because I have a hairdresser's appointment
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credo che non posso, perchè ho un'appuntamento dalla parrucchiera
move, postpone
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spostare, posticipare
Maybe I can move the appointment to 8pm but I'm not sure
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forse riesco a spostare l'appuntamento alle 20 ma non sono sicura
In my opinion this time is perfect
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secondo me questo'orario è perfetto
then I cancel the appointment
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allora cancello l'appuntamento
It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter
nie szkodzi
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Non fa niente, non importa
So in the end what do we do tomorrow?
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Quindi alla fine che cosa facciamo domani?
I think it's the best solution
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credo/penso che sia la soluzione migliore
How long does it take?
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Quanto tempo ci vuole?
tempo - dotyczy przedziału czasu, trwania, duration of time
I need more time to finish this exercise
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ho bisogno di più tempo per finire questo esercizio
many times
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molte volte
volta/e, dotyczy powtarzalności czasu
few times
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poche volte
next time
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la prossima volta
how many times do you go to the gym?
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quante volte vai in palestra?
How much time do you spend in the gym?
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Quanto tempo passi in palestra?
What time do you go to the gym?
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A che ora vai in palestra?
How long do you study Italian?
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Da quanto tempo studi l'italiano?
How many times do you study Italian per week
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Quante volte studi italiano a settimana?
we celebrated our wedding anniversary
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abbiamo festeggiato l'anniversario di matrimonio
we went to the mountains because we got engaged there
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siamo andati in montagna perchè ci siamo fidanzati lì
We are going to Slovenia from Friday to June 1st
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andiamo in Slovenia da venerdì al primo giugno
I left my car at the mechanic's last week
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la scorsa settimana ho lasciato la macchina dal meccanico
it is already ready
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è già pronta/o
panorama, view
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panorama, vista
as soon as possible in September
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il prima possibile a settembre
works in two shifts
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lavora su due turni
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I don't hear my voice
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non sento la mia voce
the cloudless sky/ is clear
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il cielo senza nuvole, è sereno
sheep sky
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cielo a pecorelle

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