Polli 2,3

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Frage Antworten
the firm, the enterprise, the company
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la ditta, l'impresa, l'azienda
Where our company is located
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Dove si trova la nostra azienda
trovare - znajdować sie, trovarsi
Did you rest? Have you relaxed?
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Ti sei riposata? Ti sei rilassata?
riposarsi, rilassarsi
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passare, trascorrere
we spent some time with my parents
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abbiamo passato (trascorso) un po' di tempo con I miei genitori
What plans do you have for the long weekend?
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Che programmi hai per il ponte del primo maggio
Do you prefer the mountains or abroad?
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Preferisci la montagna o all'estero?
Take care of
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Prendersi cura di
Mi prendo cura di te
take care of something
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occuparsi di qualcosa
Mi devo occupare del cane dei miei genitori
Are you planning to go to Italy this summer?
masz/macie w planach pojechać do Wloch?
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Avete in programma di andare in Italia questa estate?
When was the last time you went/were in Italy
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Quando è stata l'ultima volta che sei andata/stata in Italia
in December I saw the Christmas tree
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a Dicembre ho visto l'albero di Natale
the decorated tree in Piazza del Duomo
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l'albero addobbato in piazza del Duomo
But I prefer the decorations in Poland
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Ma preferisco gli addobbi in Polonia
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I landed in Bergamo
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sono atterrata a Bergamo
You wanna
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Ti va di
Unfortunately I'm busy tomorrow
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purtroppo domani sono impegnata
tomorrow I don't have time to, tomorrow I have nothing to do
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domani non ho tempo di, domani non ho niente da fare
I do not feel like
nie mam ochoty
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Non mi va
la voglia
What are you going to do on Saturday? I'm organizing a party at my house.
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Che cosa fai sabato? Organizzo una festa a casa mia.
I can come to your party
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posso venire alla tua festa
You could arrive at 8pm
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Potresti arrivare alle 20
Do I need to bring something to eat or drink?
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Devo portare qualcosa da mangiare o da bere?
You could buy some beers or wine
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Potresti comprare delle birre o del vino
Can my friend come too?
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Può venire anche la mia amica?
Do you want to go with me and my friends downtown to eat something at the pizzeria?
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Ti va di andare con me e le mie amiche in centro a mangiare qualcosa in pizzeria?
Yes, why not,
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Sì, perche no, come no
Let's go to the new pizzeria on the street
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Andiamo nella pizzeria nuova in via
in + la nella
I saw a better pizzeria near the library
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Ho visto una migliore pizzeria vicino alla biblioteca
a + la alla
What time are we?
O której sie widzimy
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A che ora ci troviamo?
It is open at 4pm
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è aperta/o alle 16
so we meet at 4pm to eat pizza
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quindi ci troviamo alle 16 a mangiare la pizza
Are you free on April 25th at 8pm?
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Sei libera il 25 Aprile alle 20?
we could go to the concert
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potremmo andare al concerto
my favorite band plays in Krakow
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il mio gruppo preferito suona a Cracovia
How nice, I'll definitely come then!
przyjdę z pewnoscia
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Che bello, allora vengo di sicuro!
Remember that you have to buy the ticket
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Ricordati che devi comprare il biglietto
as many
the same to you
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at Easter we went with my husband to Warsaw
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a Pasqua siamo andati con mio marito a Varsavia
we spent with our family
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ci siamo trovati con la nostra famiglia
for a short time
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per poco tempo
On Monday we returned to Libiąż
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Lunedì siamo tornati a Libiąż
On the other hand, my husband didn't work
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Invece mio marito non ha lavorato
I also do the same thing
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anche io faccio la stessa cosa
half an hour ago
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mezzora fa
recently we bought the car
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ultimamente noi ci siamo comprati la macchina
lately I bought myself a car/I bought the car
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ultimamente mi sono comprata la macchina/ ho comprato la macchina
what car did you buy?
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che macchina hai comprato?
the bath tub
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la vasca da bagno
hurry up!
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fai presto!
hurry up!
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czytaj śmiało
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leggi pure
wyłącznie do liczby pojedynczej
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qualche persona = some people
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qualche volta
some books
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qualche libro
Some place
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qualche posto
używane do rzeczowników w liczbie mnogiej
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alcuni, alcune
some books
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alcuni libri
some people
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alcune persone
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alcune volte
some places
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alcuni posti
I need some books
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ho bisogno di qualche libro/ alcuni libri
do you need some books?
qualche zawsze do pytań
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hai bisogno di qualche libro?
Do you have any question?
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hai qualche domanda?
I have some questions/some questions
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ho qualche domanda/ alcune domande
do you have any plans for the summer
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hai qualche programma per l'estate
Yes, I already have some plans for the summer
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Sì, ho già qualche programma/alcuni programmi per l'estate
programma - r. meski
maybe we could go to the cinema tomorrow
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magari potremmo andare al cinema domani
maybe call him tomorrow
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magari lo chiamo domani
You would like to go on holiday to Italy? I wish
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Ti piacerebbe andare in vacanza in Italia quest'anno? - Magari!
I wish! It has always been my dream
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Magari! È sempre stato il mio sognio
Do you want tiramisu for dinner?
Czy chcecie tiramisu na obiad?
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Volete il tiramisù per cena?
I wish! It's my favorite dessert
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Magari! È il mio dolce preferito
If only I had studied more, I would have passed the exam
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Magari avessi studiato di più, avrei superato l'esame
I wish I had more free time to dedicate myself to my passions
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Magari avessi più tempo libero per dedicarmi alle mie passioni
I think this project is really well prepared
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penso che questo progetto sia veramente ben preparato
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I bought the furniture in installments
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io ho comprato i mobili a rate
a scholarship
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una borsa di studio
I live far from the city center
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abito lontano dal centro della città
spend your holidays in Sicily
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passare le vacanze in Sicilia
I prefer to stay home tonight
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preferisco rimanere a casa stasera
we wake up at 9 and what time do you wake up?
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ci svegliamo alle 9 e voi a che ora vi svegliate
a parcel
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un pacco

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