Practical business english

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kredyt odnawialny / odnawialny
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revolving credit/roll-over credit
przyznane (przyjąć coś za oczywiste)
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granted (take sth/sb for granted)
zobowiązania firmy, pasywa
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kryzys płatniczy
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payment crunch
udzielona pożyczka
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granted loan
spłacić pożyczkę
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repay the loan
original sum of money borrowed in a loan or put into an investment
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Principal is the initial size of a loan—it can also be the amount still owed on a loan. If you take out a $50 mortgage, for example, the principal is $50. If you pay off $30, the principal balance now consists of the remaining $20
After the grace period, the borrower is given up to 10 years in which to repay the loan principal amount and interest
narosłe odsetki
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accrued interest
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wpłacić jako zaliczkę
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pay down
spłacić pożyczkę
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pay off a loan
niespłacony dług
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outstanding debt
nadwyżki funduszy
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surplus funds
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powtarzający się motyw
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recurring theme
osłabiają wartość
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erode a value
wartość spadła do
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the value has declined to
rentowność obligacji
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bond yield
również, ponadto, co więcej
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