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I painted the whole house in 3 days.
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Ho dipinto tutta la casa in 3 giorni.
My father-in-law wears short-sleeved shirts
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Mio suocero porta le camicie a maniche corte
I think it's too difficult for them
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Penso che per loro sia troppo difficile
I do my best but you expect too much from me
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Io faccio del mio meglio ma tu pretendi troppo da me
You can hear the traffic noise
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Si sente il rumore del traffico
This chicken tastes burnt
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Questo pollo sa di bruciato
for once in your life you could try to tell me the truth
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per una volta nella tua vita potresti tentare di dirmi la verità
What do you have in mind? Why are you acting like this?
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Ma che hai in mente? Perchè ti comporti così?
comportare zachowywać się
Do you need something?
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Ti serve qualcosa?
Inflation increases year after year
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L'inflazione aumenta di anno in anno
aumentare zwiększyc
I am against abortion
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sono contrario all'aborto
From then on everything changed for the better.
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Da allora in poi tutto cambiò per il meglio
Listening to him speak, he seems to be an expert on everything.
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A sentirlo parlare sembra esperto di tutto
The restaurant is open from ten o'clock
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il ristorante è aperto dalle dieci
I have to go do something
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devo andare a fare una cosa
Ania always thinks of others
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Ania pensa sempre agli altri
I have a gas stove
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Ho una cucina a gas
I'm stopping by my aunt's
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Mi fermo dalla zia
it was love at first sight
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è stato amore a prima vista
I will pay in installments
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io pagheremo a rate
Ania graduated at 34 years old
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Ania sì è laureata a 34 anni
he wanted to talk to me face to face
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lui voleva parlarmi a quattr'occhi
he's an old fashioned guy
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lui è un tipo all'antica
the corostata was brought by Maria
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la corostata è stata portata da Maria
pay the electricity bill
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pagare la bolletta della luce
I've been spending too much time in the office lately
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ultimamente passo troppo tempo in ufficio
the cell phone is in the bag
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il telefonino è nella borsa
I'll pick you up by car
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Ti vengo a prendere con la macchina
the road ends in 20 kilometers
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la strada finisce tra 20 chilometri
my sister suffers from seasickness
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mia sorella soffre di mal di mare
During rush hour traffic in big cities is very heavy
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Nelle ore di punta il traffico nelle grandi città è molto intenso
we got on the train without a ticket
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siamo saliti sul treno senza il biglietto
At what age do people usually get married in your country?
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A che età ci si sposa di solito nel tuo paese?
Do you have any advice to give me?
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Hai qualche consiglio da darmi
In this restaurant you can eat at all hours
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In questo ristorante si mangia a tutte le ore
the waitress says there is a lot to wait
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la cameriera dice c'è molto da aspettare
before the law everyone is equal
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davanti alla legge tutti sono uguali
What year were you born?
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In che anno sei nato?
It is mandatory to wear a helmet on a moped
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In motorino è obbligatorio mettere il casco
Can you give me some of yours?
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Mi può dare del tuo
Don't pay attention to what he says
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Non fare caso a quello che dice
download the file I sent you as an attachment
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scarica il file che ti ho inviato in allegato
They have known each other since college.
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Si conoscono dai tempi dell'universita
How many days of vacation do you have per year?
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quanti giorni di ferie hai all'anno
Do you know what happened to Marco? I find it very strange
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Sai che cosa è accaduto a Marco? Lo vedo molto strano
If you happen to be in Milan call me
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Se capiti a Milano telefonarmi
What do you have against me?
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Che cosa hai contro di me?
Who did you hear that Ania is in Milan?
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Da chi hai saputo che Ania è a Milano
it is a land favorable to agriculture
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è un terreno favorevole all'agricoltura
do they get married in church or in town hall?
Lernen beginnen
loro si sposano in choesa o in municipuo?
Ania you are sitting in the front row
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Ania sei seduta in prima fila
Your nose bleeds
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Ti esce il sangue dal naso

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