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At any rate, no one noticed that they had ever been away Lernen beginnen
W każdym razie, nikt nie zauważył, że ich nie było.
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That had all happened a year ago, and now all four of them were sitting on a seat at a railway station with trunks and playboxes piled up round them. Lernen beginnen
They had travelled together as far as this station, which was a junction Lernen beginnen
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used to tell someone to do something quickly. Look lively - we haven't got all day! Lernen beginnen
The four children, holding hands and panting, found themselves standing in a woody place Lernen beginnen
Czwórka dzieci, trzymając się za ręce i dysząc, znalazła się w zalesionym miejscu
They all rubbed their eyes and took a deep breath. Lernen beginnen
nettles and pricks from thorns With some difficulty, and with some stings from nettles and pricks from thorns, they struggled out of the thicket. Lernen beginnen
pokrzywy i kolce z cierni
A few yards away a very calm sea was falling on the sand with such tiny ripples that it made hardly any sound. Lernen beginnen
the sea was a dazzling blue Lernen beginnen
This is better than being in a stuffy train on the way back to Latin and French and Algebra!" said Edmund. Lernen beginnen
If there are streams they're bound to come down to the sea, and if we walk along the beach we're bound to come to them. Lernen beginnen
że coś musi się stać w sposób naturalny Jeśli są tam strumienie, to muszą wpadać do morza i jeśli będziemy szli wzdłuż plaży natkniemy się na nie.
„Don't know," said Peter and they all plodded on in silence. Lernen beginnen
The shore that they were walking on drew nearer and nearer to the opposite shore, and as they came round each promontory the children expected to find the place where the two joined. Lernen beginnen
„A stream! A stream!" shouted the others, and, tired as they were, they lost no time in clattering down the rocks and racing to the fresh water. Lernen beginnen
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The doorway was so low that we had to stoop to go through it. Lernen beginnen
Drzwi były tak nisko, że musiałem się pochylić.
One or two tempers very nearly got lost at this stage. Lernen beginnen
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Hermits and knights-errant and people like that always manage to live somehow if they're in a forest. Lernen beginnen
They had to stoop under branches and climb over branches, and they blundered through great masses of stuff like rhododendrons and tore their clothes and got their feet wet in the stream; Lernen beginnen
They panted up the steep bank, forced their way through some brambles Lernen beginnen
„Then this was once an inhabited island," said Peter Lernen beginnen
Pressing their way between the laden branches they reached the wall. Lernen beginnen
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... and all four stepped out into the middle of it, glad to be able to straighten their backs and move their limbs freely. Lernen beginnen
That was the dais where the High Table was Lernen beginnen
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kotlina, dziupla, jama, dół / pusty, wydrążony
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We curled up in bed, all snug and warm, and listened to the storm outside. Lernen beginnen
Well, I'm—I'm jiggered," said Peter, and his voice also sounded queer. Lernen beginnen
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If we've got to spend the night here I don't want an open door at my back and a great big black hole that anything might come out of, besides the draught and the damp. And it'll soon be dark. Lernen beginnen
„Susan! How can you?" said Lucy with a reproachful glance.” Lernen beginnen
The surrounding buildings were scorched by the heat of the explosion. The iron was too hot and he scorched the shirt. Lernen beginnen
Żelazko było za gorące i przypalił koszulę. Otaczające budynki zostały spalone przez ciepło eksplozji.
bring up the rear/be at the end Then came Lucy, then Susan, and Peter brought up the rear. Lernen beginnen
ciągnąć z tyłu/być na końcu
There's a sticker on the rear door/window. Lernen beginnen
Jest naklejka na tylnym oknie/drzwiach.
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But the bottle was made of diamond instead of glass, and it was still more than half full of the magical cordial which would heal almost every wound and every illness. Lernen beginnen
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a shattering loss (about lost Susan’s horn) Lernen beginnen
Susan bent the bow and gave a little pluck to the string. Lernen beginnen
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He blew and rapped his shield and sword on the floor to get off the dust. Lernen beginnen
He was afraid that the sword might be rusty and stick to the sheath. Lernen beginnen
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