pumpkin spice café

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rozklekotany, chwiejny
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She clutched the baseball bat tighter in her fist and crept down the rickety, back staircase.
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Scritchy-scratchy type noises with the occasional clangy-bangy type noise.
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Scritchy-scratchy type noises with the occasional clangy-bangy type noise.
przypisać coś czemuś, zapisać na rachunek
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chalk sth up
At first, she'd tried to chalk it up to the wind,
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an animal scurrinh thtough the back alley.
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That banging was definitely not an armed robber, here to take the meager change her aunt kept in the cash register.
osobliwy, niezwykły
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The quaint seaside town of Dream Harbor and its inhabitants knew nothing about her, and she planned to take full advantage of that.
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And came face to face with a crate of small pumpkins.
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Jeanie would not compromise her safety just because this man was the picture of autumnal bounty with his crate of vegetables and his worn, flannel shirt and thick beard.
skład, obsada, załoga
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So she could pick him out of a line-up, she reasoned.
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She might need to know that above his beard was a long, straight nose and ruddy cheeks.
być w rozterce
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to be at a loss
She wasn't really sure what to say to this strange man and he seemed to be equally at a loss.
skrzywić się
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to wince
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She tried to channel Aunt Dot's free-spirit vibes even as she wished the woman had been slightly less laid-back and had actually left her more explicit directions.
brak, niedobor, deficyt
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There was no shortage of coffee shops in the city.
mający dobre chęci
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He had work to do, deliveries to make, and well-meaning townfolk to avoid.
nastręczać się (z wizytą), odwiedzić kogoś (jako niechciany gość
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darken one’s door/darken one’s doorstep
Specifically, the large, handsome one currently darkening her doorstep.
zachwycać się czymś
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rave about something
Jeanie's apartment above the shop shared the same original hardwood floors, something Barb Sanders had raved about.
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The bay window in the front was the perfect nook for two cozy chairs, worn down with age and use.
szalony, gorączkowy
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Shouldn't she feel different here? Away from the frenetic energy of Boston, the traffic, and the crowds?
obserwacja (przestępców)
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'He ... uh ... we ... decided to do a stakeout.' 'A stakeout?' Hazel's eyes widened behind her glasses.
otumaniony, zakłopotany
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Jeanie glanced between him and the mayor, a bemused smile on her lips. She was having a good time.
wypaplać coś, wygadać się, palnąć coś
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blurt something out
'He has dreams, Logan blurted out. 'Uses them to make decisions.'
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He'd brought Jeanie here to find a more plausible explanation for her noise problem, not to further support her ghost theory.
niewiarygodna historia, nieprawdopodobna historia
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tall tale
Jeanie's gaze snagged on Noah, captain of the SS Ginger, the town's one and only fishing tour company and Logan's other best friend. Lover of tall tales and beautiful women.
smaczek, ciekawostka
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Oh, the crowd liked this little tidbit. Suddenly the room Was erupting in theories.
wpadać po uszy w coś
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be in over one's head
She was in over her head and, really, he was doing the town a favor. The Pumpkin Spice Café was the only decent coffee shop in town.
schylić się
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stoop down
He stooped down and gave her a hug, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 'If anything worth mentioning happens, you'll be the first to know.'
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She straightened the avalanche of chip bags again.
wpaść w
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plop into
She plopped into one of the overstuffed chairs by the front
emocjonujący, ekscytujący
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For the past three days, those tables had been crowded with town locals from open to close. It had been hectic and busy and exhilarating.
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knowing what that was seemed like the pinnacle of café ownership.
pomóc w sprawach
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to help matters
It also didn't help matters that good old Norman had told her the history of this building and about the family that had died here.
typowy, zasadniczy
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Oh, right, she needed to get her life back on track first. Figure out how to live in this tiny, odd town. Transform into the quintessential café owner.
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Calm and cool, maybe a little quirky.
dobrze zbudowany
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Jeanie blew out a sigh like he was being difficult. 'The rugged type, outdoorsy, flannel-y.'
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That was him. Sturdy.
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Even when her innocuous comments dredged up old insecurities.
próba, usiłowanie
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I'm fully aware of how crazy all this is. I just wanted everything to be ... perfect here, for this new ... endeavor.
krzyk, krzyczeć
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Every instinct in his body was clamoring at him to fix it, make it better.
caly zestaw, wszystko
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the whole nine yards
Multiple days of a high fever, throwing up, the whole nine yards.'
bronić, oczyszczać z zarzutów, rekompensować,
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She would have preferred if an angry ghost was here to steal her immortal soul. At least then she would be vindicated in her concern.

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