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Jak ludzie z nogą w gipsie chodzą
Lernen beginnen
they start walking with crutches or a Walker
How is the leg affected in a cast
Lernen beginnen
immobilization leads to stiffness of the joints, wasting awayof muscle and their weakness
jak można zapobiegać sztywnieniu stawów mając gips
Lernen beginnen
changing position, sitting up with the knees bent after a period of lying down with legs straight
how can you exercise fingers while in a cast and after
Lernen beginnen
just wiggle your fingers and toes
how can you exercise your ankle
Lernen beginnen
the ankle and foot may be strenghtened by making ankle circles with the leg up on something
what is the limit of exercise, active or passive
Lernen beginnen
the end of a pain-free range of movement

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