
 0    7 Datenblatt    guest3019378
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when did you have your flat painted last time?
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My apartment was last painted six months ago when a renovation.
which piece of furniture would you like to buy soon?
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In the soon future I would like to buy a new large wardrobe, because I have a lot of clothes and i need change to something nicer.
Would you choose living in a city or in the country?
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I would choose to live in suburb to be close to the shop but also to have peace of mind from the noise.
When would you like to start living in your own flat?
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I would like to live in my own apartment as soon as possible to control everything myself.
Is it easy to rent a flat in your city?
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In my village it is difficult to rent an apartment, because there are few such offers and they are expensive.
Where would you like to live in the future?
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In the future I would like to live on the overskirts to be close of the city and my family in countryside.
What problems are there in your village?
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In my village there are problems with shops, to do more shopping you have to go further to the city.

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