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Frage Antworten
nieprzemyślany, pochopny, nierozważny
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
badly planned and unwise:
wyobrażać sobie coś
~ imagine, comprehend - - If you cannot........, you cannot imagine it or believe it
Lernen beginnen
conceive of sth
If you cannot conceive of something, you cannot imagine it or believe it
I just can't even conceive of that quantity of money.
z wyprzedzeniem, z góry, zawczasu
() before a particular time
Lernen beginnen
in advance
before a particular time
You need to book your ticket at least 14 days in advance.
wcześniej, z góry
synonim do in advance
Lernen beginnen
before a particular time or event
Did you know beforehand what they had planned to do?
pominąć, przeoczyć
(v) ~miss, omit; C2 If you ....... a fact or problem, you do not notice it, or do not realize how important it is.
Lernen beginnen
C2 If you overlook a fact or problem, you do not notice it, or do not realize how important it is.
I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked.
poczęstuj się
gdy np coś proponujemy komuś
Lernen beginnen
help yourself
to take something for yourself:
Might I have some more bread?" "Please, help yourself!
Lernen beginnen
Extension lead
= extension cord
komentarz, spostrzeżenie, uwaga
(n) ~comment - B2 something that you say, giving your opinion about something or stating a fact:
Lernen beginnen
(n) B2 something that you say, giving your opinion about something or stating a fact:
Her remarks on the employment question led to a heated discussion. The children made rude remarks about the old man.
opaska kablowa
Lernen beginnen
cable tie

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