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прожектор, загальна увага Lernen beginnen
I missed just being a student of the game, but there was no escaping the spotlight.
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My game became to unravel.
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The Grandmasters, my elders, were ignored and scowled at me.
вигнанець, "изгой", пария Lernen beginnen
Some of them treated me like a pariah.
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This peaceful feeling had nothing to do with external adulation, and I yearned for a return to that innocent, fertile time.
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Then when I was eighteen years old I stumbled upon a little book called the ... and my life took a turn.
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I recognized that being at the pinnacle in other people's eyes had nothing to do with quality of life, and I was drawn еo the potential for inner tranquility.
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My teacher, the world-renowned Grandmaster William C. C. Chen, spent months with me in beginner classes, patiently correcting movements.
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he patiently taught first-day novices with the same loving attention he gave his senior students.
to slow the movement, progress, or action of (someone or something) Lernen beginnen
Pure concentration didn't allow thoughts or false constructions to impede my awareness, and I observed clear tonnections between different life experi- ences through the common mode of consciousness by which they were perceived.
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1) нарисовать контур; очертить 2) обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах Lernen beginnen
Obama and Hollande outlined changes they said Russia must make to its military strategy in Syria.
строгая изоляция заключенных и содержащихся под стражей Lernen beginnen
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the leader of a group that causes trouble or is involved in an illegal activity
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the violent killing of many people: a game or competition in which one person or team easily defeats another
as fast or hard as possible Lernen beginnen
The fleeing robber ran full tilt down the hill. In order to produce more new cars, factories are running at full tilt.
надбавка, прирост, увеличение Lernen beginnen
They increased the dosage of the drug in small increments over a period of several weeks.
1) по существу; в основном; большей частью; главным образом 2) существенно, в значительной степени 3) крепко, сильно, прочно Lernen beginnen
They dilate substantially when people multiply double-digit numbers.
1) установка; устройство; схема; макет 2) уставка, набор заданных значений 3) набор схемы (путем коммутации нужных блоков) 4) сборка; монтаж; наладка; настройка Lernen beginnen
We developed a setup similar to an optician's examination room. We had a great setup. On my days off, my wife would work from home while I took care of the kids.
: to discover or understand (something) without having direct evidence Lernen beginnen
We amused ourselves and amazed our guests by our ability to divine when the participant gave up on a task.
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At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.
внимательный, проявляющий заботу : showing concern or care for someone's health, happiness, etc. Lernen beginnen
, I have been watching a little girl who’s been growing up with a mother who has problems with depression, and this child now at three and a half years is extremely solicitous of her mother’s feelings.
нетерпеливый; обидчивый, раздражительный : having or showing the attitude of people who become angry and annoyed when they do not get what they want Lernen beginnen
играть на нервах, выводить 1. To deliberately irritate 2. To intentionally provoke another without reason 3. To wear away at the patience of someone until that person wants to slap you 4. To capitalize on the emotional vulnerabilities of another Lernen beginnen
Q: Right. That they’re manipulating me, or they’re doing it on purpose to drive me crazy. A: They’re pushing my button.
: a very fast collapse or failure: a very fast loss of emotional self-control Lernen beginnen
We’ve all had this experience, that—that you are—you are no worse a parent because your child is having a meltdown.
1) пружинистый, упругий, эластичный 2) жизнерадостный, неунывающий Lernen beginnen
: a short period of time when you do a lot of something' активность Lernen beginnen
A shopping spree and a new outfit can do wonders for the spirit.
: the act or process of making changes to improve the appearance or effectiveness of someone or something Lernen beginnen
Like a mini-makeover, it will help you feel renewed.
1) ухудшение (состояния или качества); порча, повреждение 2) амортизация, изнашивание, износ Lernen beginnen
Restoring the level of available sugar in the brain had prevented the deterioration of performance.
неинформированный, неосведомлённый Lernen beginnen
1) юр. временное или досрочное условное освобождение заключённого из тюрьмы Lernen beginnen
а) составлять план, карту (местности, здания, объекта); наносить на карту (определённые данные) б) = plot down изображать схему, диаграмму; чертить, вычерчивать график или диаграмму Lernen beginnen
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1 a: direct or sure in movement: unfaltering <a steady hand> b: firm in position: fixed <held the pole steady> c: keeping nearly upright in a seaway <a steady ship> 2 : showing little variation stable, uniform <a steady breeze> <steady prices> Lernen beginnen
) подтверждать, одобрять; поддерживать, рекомендовать : to publicly or officially say that you support or approve of (someone or something): to publicly say that you like or use (a product or service) in exchange for money: to write your name on the back of (a check) Lernen beginnen
горячий, пылкий, страстный Lernen beginnen
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The baby doesn't sleep for more than three hours at a stretch.
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доказуемый II очевидный, наглядный Lernen beginnen
the rate of demonstrable failure to check was in excess of 80%
1) склонный, предрасположенный (к чему-л.) 2) (-prone) склонный или предрасположенный (к чему-л.; в сложных словах) 3) книжн. а) (лежащий) ничком, лицом вниз б) нижний (о части тела) Lernen beginnen
Many people are prone to place too much faith in their intuitions.
1) бракованный; дефектный 2) свищеватый, некорректный Lernen beginnen
In fact, this argument is flawed, because...
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: to make an effort <Thank you for taking the trouble to write.>
1) обескураживающий, расхолаживающий 2) приводящий в уныние Lernen beginnen
'все или ничего' (распоряжение, которое должно либо быть выполнено полностью, либо вообще никак) Lernen beginnen
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1) буйволовая кожа; толстая бычья кожа 2) разг.; уст. кожа человека 3) цвет буйволовой кожи, тёмно-жёлтый цвет Lernen beginnen
<he's such a film buff that he owns over 3,000 movies>: the state of being nude <sunbathing in the buff>
to organize and send out (people or things) to be used for a particular purpose: to open up and spread out the parts of (something, such as a parachute) перебрасывать силы Lernen beginnen
Wait several seconds before deploying the parachute. The boat's sails were not fully deployed. The parachute failed to deploy properly.
a formal argument in logic that is formed by two statements and a conclusion which must be true if the two statements are true Lernen beginnen
близость, примыкание, смежность; 1) близость, примыкание, смежность; соседство 2) близость, контакт 3) психол. ассоциация идей Lernen beginnen
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... as I'm hunched over my desk...
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mourners rending their clothes in grief
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She doodled in her notebook instead of taking notes.
: to steal (something): to pass (a credit card, ATM card, etc.) through a machine that reads information from it Lernen beginnen
The cat swiped the dog across the nose. They swiped some candy from the store. The cashier swiped the credit card and gave it back to me.
необузданный, безудержно растущий Lernen beginnen
weed that's rampant in this area <the mayor promised to put a stop to the rampant crime that plagued the city>
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You start out as a phony and become real.
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They were gawking at her.
implies pulling apart by force and leaving jagged edges Lernen beginnen
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implies a pulling apart in one rapid uninterrupted motion often along a line or joint Lernen beginnen
<ripped the shirt on a nail>
раскалывать, делить на части implies a cutting or breaking apart in a continuous, straight, and usually lengthwise direction or in the direction of grain or layers Lernen beginnen
<split logs for firewood>
раскалываться, трескаться Lernen beginnen
<a bolt of lightning cleaved the giant oak>. cleave cleaved cleft or clove / cleaved also cleft or cloven
прилипать, привязаться, хранить верность Lernen beginnen
cleaved or clove also clave cleaved
интригующий, очень интересный, убедительный very interesting: able to capture and hold your attention: capable of causing someone to believe or agree: strong and forceful: causing you to feel that you must do something Lernen beginnen
He made a compelling argument. I would need a very compelling reason to leave my job.
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easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something: capable of being affected by a specified action or process Lernen beginnen
The virus can infect susceptible individuals. <some people are more susceptible to depression during the winter because of reduced exposure to sunlight>
the state of being easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something susceptibilities: a person's feelings Lernen beginnen
: impossible to see or notice Lernen beginnen
These changes will be imperceptible to most people. <a slight difference in hue between the two glasses that's imperceptible unless they're placed side by side>
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a strong feeling of not liking something Lernen beginnen
to have a very bad smell: to do something very poorly: to be very low in quality Lernen beginnen
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1) а) вращаться; вертеться, поворачиваться б) вращать; вертеть, поворачивать 2) (revolve about / around) вертеться вокруг (чего-л.) 3) обдумывать, размышлять Lernen beginnen
the gear revolves, it turns the other gears. The Earth revolves on its axis. The software allows you to revolve images.
законно, логично, реально allowed according to rules or laws: real, accepted, or official: fair or reasonable Lernen beginnen
legitimate means for achieving success
нужда, недостаток, нехватка Lernen beginnen
scarcity of girls of certain age...
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старый покинутый дом был бельмом на глазу Lernen beginnen
the old abandoned house was a neighborhood eyesore>
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дерзость, нахальство, грубость Lernen beginnen
was beaten for the impertinence...
невозмутимость, покой, спокойствие Всех возмущала невозмутимость Рэда. Lernen beginnen
Everyone was made indignant by Rhett's imperturbability.
посмотреть проблеме в глаза to confront a problem directly and openly. Lernen beginnen
face something head-on Fig. Let's face this problem head-on and try to solve it quickly and painlessly.
сходиться, сводится, складываться сводиться к (чему-л.); представлять собой (что-л.) Здесь что-то не сходится, Лив. Lernen beginnen
It just doesn't add up, Liv.
присматривать, заботиться 2 : to take care of or protect (someone or something) 1 : to be aware of and try to avoid (something dangerous or unwanted) Lernen beginnen
In buying a home, there are many potential problems (that) you should look out for. 2. I can look out for myself. She is supposed to be looking out for our interests.
to speak or act in defense of: support Lernen beginnen
"Maybe I'm sticking up for Benton 'cause he ain't here to do it himself," Marino said in a flat, worn-out voice.
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He started running and soon broke a sweat. He loaded all five boxes without breaking a sweat. —often used figuratively to say that something is not hard for someone to do He gave a perfect performance and didn't break a sweat.
Мы не дали никому покинуть тот дом Lernen beginnen
We stopped everyone from leaving that building.
Он извинился передо мной за то, что заставил меня ждать. Lernen beginnen
He apologized to me for keeping me waiting.
Мы наконец-то преуспели в поисках квартиры. Lernen beginnen
We eventually succeeded in finding an apartment.
Арестованого мужчину обвинили во взломе в дом (of the police) to make a formal statement saying that someone is accused of a crime: Lernen beginnen
The arrested man was charged with breaking into the house
Его подозревали в преступлении Lernen beginnen
He was suspected of a crime
Я предостерег его против поспешной помолвки Lernen beginnen
I warned him against a hasty engagement
над оборванными страницами Анны Карениной Lernen beginnen
The flag was tattered and threadbare. A tattered old letter