
 0    13 Datenblatt    marcinpaszek5
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poprosze stolik dla dwojga
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a table for two, please
jaka jest zupa dnia?
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what is the soup of the day?
jaki rodzaj piwa macie
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what kind of beer do you have
poprosze dwie zupy pomidorowe
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two tomato soups, please
jednak nie chcę sałatki
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however, I don't want a salad
jak ostra jest ta zupa?
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how spicy is this soup?
mam uczulenie na orzechy
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I am allergic to nuts
gdzie jest najbliższa kuchnia wloska?
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where is the nearest italian cuisine?
poprosze przepis
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recipe please
czy woda jest z kranu?
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is the water from the tap?
zapłace za wszystkich
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will pay for everyone
wspaniała obsluga
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great service
czy moge prosic pizze bez papryki?
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can i have pizza without paprika please?

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