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w mediach toczy się dyskusja na temat
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there has been a lot of discussion in the media about
powszechnie wiadomo ze
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it is public knowledge that
opinia publiczna zawsze była podzielone w tej kwestii
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Public opinion has always been divided on the subject of
czy zastanawiałeś się kiedyś nad
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have you ever thought about / considered
w dzisiejszych czasach prawie każdy
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nowadays almost everyone
wiele osób wierzy że
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many people believe that
ma tyle samo zalet co wad
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has as many advantages as disadvantages
spójrzmy na zalety i wady tej sytuacji
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let's look at the pros and cons of this situation
Na przykład
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for instance
Na poczatek
Lernen beginnen
to Begin with/ to start with
po pierwsze
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in the first place/ firstly
przede wszystkim
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first of all,
po drugie, po trzecie
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secondly, thirdly,
w dodatku
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in addition (to this/that)
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furthermore, moreover, what is more,
oprócz tego/ takze
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besides / also
oprocz tego
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apart from this/that
w rezultacie, dlatego, tak oto, w ten sposób,
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as a result, consequently, therefore, thus,
ostatnia ale nie mniej ważna sprawa
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last but not least
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especially, particulary, in particular
główna wada ... jest...
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major disadvantage of ... is...
jednakże, mimo ze
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however, even though/although
Z jednej strony, z drugiej strony
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On the one hand, on the other hand
w przeciwienstwie do
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contarty to
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according to
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to sum up, summing up, all in all
ogólnie rzecz ujmując
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on the whole
biorac wszystko pod uwage
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all things considered
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In conclusion/ to conclude
rozwazajac wszystkie argumenty
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taking everything into account
wziawszy pod uwagę obie strony dyskusji
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having considered both side of The argument
jeśli chodzi o mnie
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as far as I am concered
zdecydowanie podzielam pogląd zwolennikow/ przeciwników
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I definitely share the view of the supporters / opponents of

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