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Nothing he said could heal the damage done to their relationship. heal /hi: l; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] heal (over/up) to become healthy again; to make sth healthy again The cut will heal up in a few days. It takes time to heal a broken leg. • (figurative)
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healer /ˈhi: lə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who cures people of illnesses and disease using natural powers rather than medicine a faith/spiritual healer
the work of providing medical care The government has promised to spend more on health (na służbę zdrowia). health insurance ubezpieczenie zdrowotne health and safety regulations przepisy bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy ▶ zdrowie Lernen beginnen
the state of being well and free from illness As long as you have your health, nothing else matters. ▶ zdrowie health /helɵ/ noun [uncountabl] 1 the condition of sb’s body or mind Fresh fruit is good for your health. in good /poor health Cigarettes carry a government health warning. • (fig) the health of your marriage/finances
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ˈhealth care noun [uncountable] the service of providing medical care the costs of health care for the elderly health care workers/professionals ▶ opieka medyczna
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medical clinic/ health center ˈhealth centre noun [countable] a building where a group of doctors see their patients ▶ przychodnia
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health food noun [countable, uncountable] natural food that many people think is especially good for your health because it has been made or grown without adding chemicals ▶ zdrowa żywność
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3 showing good health (of body or mind) healthy skin and hair ▶ zdrowy 4 normal and sensible There was plenty of healthy competition between the brothers. ▶ zdrowy healthy /ˈhelɵi; US / adj. (healthier; healthiest) 1 not often ill; strong and well a healthy child/animal/plant ▶ zdrowy 2 helping to produce good health a healthy climate/diet/lifestyle ▶ zdrowy
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the ˈhealth service noun [countable] the organization of the medical services of a country ▶ służba zdrowia ⇨ look at National Health Service
pielęgniarka środowiskowa, higienistka Lernen beginnen
health visitor, hygienist ˈhealth visitor noun [countable] (in Britain) a trained nurse whose job is to visit people in their homes, for example new parents, and give them advice on some areas of medical care ▶ pielęg-niarka/niarz środowiskow-a/y
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heap1 /hi: p; US / noun [countable] 1a heap (of sth) an untidy pile of sth a rubbish heap a heap of books/papers All his clothes are in a heap on the floor! The man groaned and collapsed in a heap. ▶ kupa stos
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2heap A on/onto B; heap B with A to put a large amount of sth on sth/sb He heaped food onto his plate. Nałożył sobie górę jedzenia. The press heaped the team with praise. ▶ nakładać (stertę czegoś na coś) obsypywać kogoś czymś heap2 /hi: p; US / verb [transitive] 1heap sth (up) to put things in a pile I’m going to heap all the leaves up over there. Add six heaped (kopiastych) tablespoons of flour. ▶ układać (w stos) usypywać (w kopiec)
Czasownika hear w znaczeniu 1-2 nie używa się w czasach continuous. Natomiast często spotyka się go w present participle (formie -ing): Not hearing what he’d said over the roar of the machines, she just nodded in reply. Por. listen. Czasem hear ma podobne znaczenie co listen to: We’d better hear what they have to say. Lernen beginnen
2[transitive] [not used in the continuous tenses] to be told about sth I hear that you’ve been offered a job in Canada. ‘ I passed my test!’ ‘ So I’ve heard – well done!’ I was sorry to hear about your mum’s illness. ▶ dowiadywać się hear /hɪə(r) / verb (heard /hɜ:d) 1[intran, tran] [not used in the continuous t] to receive sounds with your ears Can you speak a little louder – I can’t hear very well. I didn’t hear you go out this morning. Did you hear what I said? ▶ słyszeć
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3[transitive] (used about a judge, a court, etc.) to listen to the evidence in a trial in order to make a decision about it Your case will be heard this afternoon. ▶ rozpatrywać
nie chcieć słyszeć (o czymś) Lernen beginnen
hear (sth) from sb to receive a letter, telephone call, etc. from sb ▶ otrzymywać wiadomość (od kogoś) hear (sth) of sb/sth to know that sb/sth exists because you have heard them Have you heard of the Bermuda Triangle? ▶ słyszeć (coś) o kimś/czymś won’t/wouldn’t hear of sth to refuse to allow sth I wanted to go to art school but my parents wouldn’t hear of it. ▶ nie chcieć słyszeć (o czymś) nie zgadzać się
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2[sing.] a time when evidence is given to a judge in a court of law a court/disciplinary hearing ▶ rozprawa sądowa hearing /ˈhɪərɪŋ; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the ability to hear Her hearing isn’t very good so you need to speak louder. Her son goes to a school for the hearing-impaired. ▶ słuch
Jeżeli wszyscy przyjdą na zebranie, to wysłucha się wszystkich stron. Lernen beginnen
in/within sb’s hearing near enough to sb so that they can hear what is being said I’d rather not talk about it within his hearing. ▶ w zasięgu słuchu 3[sing.] a chance to give your opinion or explain your position to get/give somebody a fair hearing If everybody comes to the meeting, it will give all points of view a fair hearing. ▶ wysłuchanie
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ˈhearing aid noun [countable] a small device for people who cannot hear well that fits inside the ear and makes sounds louder to have/wear a hearing aid ▶ aparat słuchowy
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hearsay /ˈhɪəseɪ; US / noun [uncountable] things you have heard another person or other people say, which may or may not be true ▶ pogłoska wieść
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hearse /hɜ: s; US / noun [countable] a large, black car used for carrying a dead person to their funeral ▶ karawan
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2[countable] the centre of sb’s feelings and emotions She has a kind heart. In my heart I knew she was right. They say he died of a broken heart. ▶ serce dusza heart /hɑ: t; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 [countable] the organ inside your chest that sends blood round your body When you exercise your heart beats faster. heart disease/failure ▶ serce
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4[sing.] the heart (of sth) the most central or important part of sth; the middle Rare plants can be found in the heart of the forest. Let’s get straight to the heart of the matter. ▶ środek sedno 3[in compounds] having the type of feelings or character mentioned kind-hearted dobrotliwy cold-hearted nieczuły ▶ (określa uczuciowość lub charakter danej osoby)
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6 (hearts) [pl.] in a pack of playing cards, the suit with red shapes like hearts (5) on them the queen of hearts ▶ kiery ⇨ note at card 5[countable] a symbol that is shaped like a heart, often red or pink and used to show love He sent her a card with a big red heart on it. ▶ serduszko serce
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by heart by remembering exactly; from memory The teacher wanted us to learn the whole poem by heart. Learning lists of words off by heart isn’t a good way to increase your vocabulary. ▶ na pamięć after your own heart similar to yourself or of the type you like best ▶ bratnia dusza at heart really; in fact My father seems strict but he’s a very kind man at heart. ▶ w głębi serca break sb’s heart to make sb very sad ▶ łamać serce (komuś)
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have a heart of gold to be a very kind person ▶ mieć złote serce not have the heart (to do sth) to be unable to do sth unkind I don’t really have the time to help her, but I didn’t have the heart to say no. ▶ nie mieć serca (do robienia czegoś) close/dear/near to sb’s heart having a lot of importance and interest for sb a subject that is very dear to my heart ▶ bliski sercu cross my heart from the (bottom of your) heart I mean what I said from the bottom of my heart. ▶ z głębi serca
take sth to heart to be deeply affected or upset by sth ▶ brać sobie coś do serca take heart (from sth) to begin to feel positive about sth ▶ nabierać otuchy Lernen beginnen
with all your heart; completely I hope with all my heart that things work out for you. ▶ całym sercem to your heart’s content as much as you want In the park the children can run around to their hearts’ content. ▶ ile tylko chcesz set your heart on sth; have your heart set on sth to decide you want sth very much; to be determined to do or have sth She has set her heart on having a traditional white wedding. ▶ pragnąć czegoś z całej duszy
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heartache /ˈhɑ: teɪk; US / noun [uncountable] great sadness or worry ▶ strapienie smutek
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heart attack / heart attack ˈheart attack noun [countable] a sudden serious illness when the heart stops working correctly, sometimes causing death She’s had a heart attack. ▶ atak serca zawał serca
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heartbeat /ˈhɑ: tbi: t; US / noun [countable] the regular movement or sound of the heart as it sends blood round the body ▶ uderzenie serca bicie serca
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heartbreak /ˈhɑ: tbreɪk; US / noun [uncountable] very great sadness ▶ bolesne przeżycie
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heartbreaking /ˈhɑ: tbreɪkɪŋ; US / adj. making you feel very sad ▶ rozdzierający serce
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heartbroken /ˈhɑ: tbrəʊkən; US / (also ˌbroken-ˈhearted) adj. extremely sad because of sth that has happened Mary was heartbroken when John left her. ▶ zrozpaczony
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heartburn /ˈhɑ: tbɜ: n; US / noun [uncountable] a pain that feels like sth burning in your chest caused by indigestion ▶ zgaga
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hearten /ˈhɑ: tn; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] to encourage sb; to make sb feel happier ▶ dodawać odwagi/ducha
pocieszającyn podnoszący na duchu Lernen beginnen
heartening /ˈhɑ: tnɪŋ; US / adj. encouraging; making you believe that sth good will happen ▶ podnoszący na duchu pocieszający
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heartfelt /ˈhɑ: tfelt; US / adj. deeply felt; sincere a heartfelt apology ▶ płynący z głębi serca szczery ˈheart failure noun [uncountable] a serious medical condition in which the heart does not work correctly ▶ niewydolność serca
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hearth /hɑ:ɵ; US / noun [countable] the place where you have an open fire in the house or the area in front of it ▶ palenisko kominek
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heartily /ˈhɑ: tɪli; US / adv. 1 with obvious enthusiasm and enjoyment He joined in heartily with the singing. ▶ z werwą 2 very much; completely I heartily dislike that sort of comment. ▶ całkowicie gruntownie
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heartland /ˈhɑ: tlænd; US / noun [countable] the most central or important part of a country, area, etc. ▶ centrum
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heartlessly /; US / adv. ▶ nieczule bez serca bezwzględnie —heartlessness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ nieczułość bezwzględność heartless /ˈhɑ: tləs; US / adj. unkind; cruel heartless behaviour ▶ nieczuły bez serca bezwzględny
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ˈheart-rending adj. making you feel very sad The mother of the missing boy made a heart-rending appeal on TV. ▶ rozdzierający serce
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ˌheart-to-ˈheart noun [countable] a conversation in which you say exactly what you really feel or think John’s teacher had a heart-to-heart with him to find out what was worrying him. ▶ szczera rozmowa
4 showing that you feel strongly about sth Hearty congratulations to everyone involved. He nodded his head in hearty agreement (z pełnym zrozumieniem). ▶ szczery Lernen beginnen
3[only before a noun] (used about a meal) large; making you feel full a hearty breakfast a hearty appetite dobry apetyt ▶ obfity hearty /ˈhɑ: ti; US / adj. (heartier; heartiest) 1 showing warm and friendly feelings a hearty welcome ▶ serdeczny 2 loud, happy and full of energy a hearty and boisterous fellow hearty voice a hearty laugh donośny śmiech ▶ rubaszny jowialny
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2[sing.] [often with the] hot weather I like the English climate because I can’t stand the heat. ▶ upał 3[sing.] a thing that produces heat Remove the pan from the heat. ▶ ogień heat1 /hi: t; US / noun 1[uncountable] the feeling of sth hot Too much heat from the sun is being trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere. This fire doesn’t give out much heat. ▶ ciepło gorąco żar
be on heat (used about some female animals) to be ready to have sex because it is the right time of the year ▶ być w okresie rui mieć cieczkę Lernen beginnen
5[countable] one of the first parts of a race or competition. The winners of the heats compete against other winners until the final result is decided He won his heat and went through to the final. ▶ etap eliminacji 4[uncountable] a state or time of anger or excitement In the heat of the argument he said a lot of things he didn’t mean. In the heat of the moment, she threatened to resign. ▶ ogień uniesienie
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The meal will need heating up (posiłek trzeba będzie podgrzać). ▶ grzać (się) heat2 /hi: t; US / verb [intransitive, tran] heat (sth) (up) to become or to make sth hot or warm Wait for the oven to heat up before you put the pie in. Old houses are more difficult to heat than modern ones. a heated (ogrzewany) swimming pool
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heated /ˈhi: tɪd; US / adj. (used about a person or discussion) angry or excited a heated argument/debate ▶ rozogniony ożywiony gorący □ heatedly /; US / adv. ▶ z żarem
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heater /ˈhi: tə(r); US / noun [countable] a machine used for making water or the air in a room, car, etc. hotter an electric/gas heater a water heater ▶ grzejnik
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heather /ˈheðə(r); US / noun [uncountable] a low wild plant that grows especially on hills and land that is not farmed and has small purple, pink or white flowers ▶ wrzos heath /hi:ɵ; US / noun [countable] an area of open land that is not used for farming and that is often covered with rough grass and other wild plants ▶ wrzosowisko
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heating /ˈhi: tɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] a system for making rooms and buildings warm Our heating goes off at 10 p.m. and comes on again in the morning. ▶ ogrzewanie ⇨ look at central heating
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heatwave /ˈhi: tweɪv; US / noun [countable] a period of unusually hot weather ▶ upały fala upałów
3[intransitive] to experience the tight feeling you get in your stomach when you are just about to vomit The sight of all that blood made her stomach heave. ▶ mieć mdłości 2[intransitive] heave (with sth) to move up and down or in and out in a heavy but regular way His chest was heaving with the effort of carrying the cooker. His shoulders heaved with laughter. ▶ ciężko falować Lernen beginnen
▶ dźwigać ciągnąć (z trudem) podnosić (z trudem) rzucać (coś ciężkiego) heave1 /hi: v; US / verb 1 [intra, tran] to lift, pull or throw sb/sth heavy with one big effort Take hold of this rope and heave! We heaved the cupboard up the stairs. He heaved a brick through the window.
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heave2 /hi: v; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a strong pull, push, throw, etc. ▶ szarpnięcie dźwignięcie rzut (czymś ciężkim)
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2[un, c] a place or a situation in which you are very happy It was heaven being away from work for a week. ▶ raj 3(the heavens) [pl.] (used in poetry) the sky The stars shone brightly in the heavens (na niebie) that night. ▶ niebo niebiosa 1 (also Heaven) [sing.] the place where, in some religions, it is believed that God lives and where good people go when they die to go to/be in heaven ▶ niebo niebiosa OPPOSITE hell ⇨ note at god
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heavenly /ˈhevnli; US / adj. 1 [only before a noun] connected with heaven or the sky heavenly bodies ciała niebieskie ▶ niebiański rajski 2(informal) very pleasant; wonderful heavenly music ▶ boski wspaniały
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heavily /; US / adv. ▶ ciężko mocno dużo silnie —heaviness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ ciężar
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larger, stronger or more than usual a heavy sleeper ma mocny sen a heavy meal heavy rain rzęsisty deszcz heavy traffic duży ruch He felt a heavy blow (mocne uderzenie) on the back of his head. a heavy smoker/drinker nałogowy palacz/pijak ▶ ciężki heavy /ˈhevi; US / adj. (heavier; heaviest) 1 weighing a lot; difficult to lift or move This box is too heavy for me to carry. ▶ ciężki 2 (used when asking or stating how much sb/sth weighs) How heavy is your suitcase? ▶ ciężki
7heavy on sth using large quantities of sth My car is rather heavy on petrol. ▶ zużywający dużo (czegoś) Lernen beginnen
6 serious, difficult or boring His latest novel makes heavy reading. Things got a bit heavy when she started talking about her failed marriage. I like Mark, but his wife can be heavy going. ▶ żmudny trudny nudny 4 (used about a material or substance) solid or thick heavy soil a heavy coat ▶ ciężki gruby OPPOSITE light 5 full of hard work; (too) busy a heavy day/schedule/timetable ▶ ciężki obciążony
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ˌheavy-ˈduty adj. [only before a noun] not easily damaged and therefore suitable for regular use or for hard physical work a heavy-duty tyre/carpet ▶ wytrzymały trwały
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ˌheavy-ˈhanded adj. 1 not showing much understanding of other people’s feelings a heavy-handed approach ▶ gruboskórny nietaktowny 2 using unnecessary force heavy-handed police methods ▶ bezwzględny (niepotrzebnie używający przemocy)
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ˌheavy ˈmetal noun [uncountable] a style of very loud rock music that is played on electric instruments ▶ heavy metal ˌheavy ˈindustry noun [countable, uncountable] industry that uses large machinery to produce metal, coal, vehicles, etc. ▶ przemysł ciężki
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heavyweight /ˈheviweɪt; US / noun [countable] a person who is in the heaviest weight group in certain fighting sports the world heavyweight boxing champion ▶ waga ciężka
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2[uncountable] the language of the Hebrews; the modern form of this language, used especially in Israel ▶ język hebrajski ⇨ look at Yiddish □ Hebrew adj. ▶ hebrajski żydowski Hebrew /ˈhi: bru:; US / noun 1 [countable] a member of a Semitic people in ancient Palestine ▶ Izraelit(k)a Żyd/ówka
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hectare /ˈhekteə(r); US / noun [countable] (abbr. ha) a measure of land; 10 000 square metres ▶ hektar
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hedge1 /hedʒ; US / noun [countable] a row of bushes or trees planted close together at the edge of a garden or field to separate one piece of land from another ▶ żywopłot
IDIOMS hedge your bets to protect yourself against losing or making a mistake by supporting more than one person or opinion ▶ asekurować się Lernen beginnen
hedge2 /hedʒ; US / verb 1 [intransitive] to avoid giving a direct answer to a question Stop hedging and tell us who you’re meeting tonight! ▶ kręcić 2[transitive] to put a hedge round a field, garden, etc. ▶ sadzić żywopłot
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hedgehog /ˈhedʒhɒɡ; US; / noun [countable] a small brown animal covered with spines ▶ jeż
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hedonism /ˈhi: dənɪzəm; US / noun [u] the belief that pleasure is the most important thing in life ▶ hedonizm □ hedonistic /ˌhi: dəˈnɪstɪk; US / adj. the hedonistic philosophy of ‘ eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!’ ▶ hedonistyczny
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hedonism /ˈhi: dənɪzəm; US / noun [un] the belief that pleasure is the most important thing in life ▶ hedonizm □ hedonistic /ˌhi: dəˈnɪstɪk; US / adj. the hedonistic philosophy of ‘ eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!’ ▶ hedonistyczny hedonist /ˈhi: dənɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who believes that pleasure is the most important thing in life ▶ hedonist(k)a
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3 the higher part of a shoe under the heel of your foot High heels are not practical for long walks. ▶ obcas 4(-heeled) having the type of heel mentioned high-heeled/low-heeled shoes buty na wysokich/niskich obcasach ▶ (określa rodzaj obcasów) heel1 /hi: l; US / noun [countable] 1 the back part of your foot below your ankle These shoes rub against my heels. ▶ pięta 2 the part of a sock, etc. that covers your heel ▶ pięta
3[countable, uncountable] the distance that sth is above the ground We are now flying at a height of 10 000 metres. The plane lost/gained height steadily. ▶ wysokość Mówiąc o samolotach, wysokość można też określić bardziej formalnym słowem altitude Lernen beginnen
2[uncountable] the fact that sb/sth is tall or high He looks older than he is because of his height. The height of the fence makes the garden very secluded. ▶ wysoki wzrost height /haɪt; US / noun 1[co, unc] the measurement from the bottom to the top of a person or thing The nurse is going to check your height and weight. She’s of medium height. We need a fence that’s about two metres in height. ▶ wysokość wzrost
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5[uncountable] the strongest or most important part of sth The tourist season is at its height in July and August. the height of summer pełnia lata She’s always dressed in the height of fashion. Jej ubrania są zawsze szczytem mody. ▶ szczyt zenit 4[countable, usually pl.] a high place or area I’m afraid of heights (mam lęk wysokości). ▶ wysokość
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heighten /ˈhaɪtn; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make sth greater or stronger I’m using yellow paint to heighten (spotęgować) the sunny effect of the room. ▶ wzmagać (się) uwydatniać (się) powiększać (się)
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Spadkobierczyni, dziedziczka to heiress. heir /eə(r); US / noun [co] heir (to sth) the person with the legal right to inherit money, property or a title when the owner dies He’s the heir to a large fortune. Who is the heir to the throne (następca tronu)? ▶ spadkobierca dziedzic
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helicopter /ˈhelɪkɒptə(r); US / (also informal chopper) noun [cou] a small aircraft that can go straight up into the air. Helicopters have long thin metal parts on top that go round very fast He was rushed to hospital by helicopter. ▶ helikopter
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helium /ˈhi: liəm; US / noun [uncountable] (symbol He) a gas which is lighter than air and which does not burn ▶ hel
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helix /ˈhi: lɪks; US / noun [countable] (pl. helices /ˈhi: lɪsi: z; US /) a shape like a spiral or a line curved around a cylinder or cone ▶ helisa
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2[co, un] (informal) a situation or place that is very unpleasant or painful He went through hell when his wife left him. The party was absolute hell. ▶ piekło 3[un] (slang) (used as a swear word to show anger) Oh hell, I’ve forgotten my money! ▶ cholera! hell /hel; US / noun 1 [sing.] the place where, in some religions, it is believed that bad people go to when they die to go to/be in hell • (figurative) Go to hell! Idź do diabła! ▶ piekło
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hellish /ˈhelɪʃ; US / adj. terrible; very unpleasant a hellish experience ▶ piekielny
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helmet /ˈhelmɪt; US / noun [countable] a type of hard hat that you wear to protect your head a crash helmet a policeman’s helmet ▶ hełm kask helm /helm; US / noun [countable] the part of a boat or ship that is used to change direction. The helm can be a handle or a wheel. ▶ ster IDIOMS at the helm in charge of an organization, group of people, etc. ▶ u steru
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I helped her to organize the day. My son’s helping in our shop at the moment. She helped her grandmother up the stairs. ▶ pomagać help1 /help/ verb 1[intransitive, transit] help (sb) (with sth); help (sb) (to) do sth; help sb (across, over, out of, into, etc.) to do sth for sb in order to be useful or to make sth easier for them Can I help? Could you help me with the cooking?
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4[transitive] help yourself (to sth) to take sth (especially food and drink) that is offered to you Help yourself to a drink! ‘ Can I borrow your pen?’ ‘ Yes, help yourself.’ ▶ częstować się obsługiwać się 3[intransitive, transitive] to make sth better or easier If you apologize to him, it might help. This medicine should help your headache. ▶ pomagać ratować (coś)
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2[sing.] a help (to sb) a person or thing that helps Your directions were a great help – we found the place easily. ▶ pomoc help2 /help; US / noun 1[un] help (with sth) the act of helping Do you need any help with that? This map isn’t much help. I’ll give you all the help I can. She stopped smoking with the help of her family and friends. ▶ pomoc ratunek
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helper /ˈhelpə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who helps (especially with work) The teacher is always looking for extra helpers in the classroom. ▶ pomocni-k/ca
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helpfully /-fəli; US / adv. ▶ pomocnie przydatnie —helpfulness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ pomoc użyteczność helpful /ˈhelpfl; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW giving help helpful advice Ask Mr Brown. He’s always very helpful. ▶ pomocny użyteczny przydatny
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□ helplessly /; US / adv. They watched helplessly as their house went up in flames. ▶ bezradnie —helplessness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ bezradność helpless /ˈhelpləs; US / adj. unable to take care of yourself or do things without the help of other people a helpless baby ▶ bezradny
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hem2 /hem; US / verb [transitive] (hemming; hemmed) to turn up and sew the bottom of a piece of clothing or cloth ▶ obrębiać hem1 /hem; US / noun [countable] the edge at the bottom of a piece of cloth (especially on a skirt, dress or trousers) that has been turned up and sewn ▶ rąbek
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hemisphere /ˈhemɪsfɪə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 one half of the earth the northern/southern/eastern/western hemisphere ▶ półkula ziemska 2 the shape of half a ball ▶ półkula
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hemp /hemp; US / noun [uncountable] a plant that is used for making rope and rough cloth and for producing cannabis ▶ konopie
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hen /hen; US / noun [countable] 1 a female bird that is kept for its eggs or its meat Our hens haven’t laid many eggs this week. the clucking of hens ▶ kura ⇨ note at chicken 2 the female of any type of bird a hen pheasant ▶ samica (ptaków)
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hence /hens; US / adv. (formal) 1 from here or now ▶ stąd od tej chwili 2 for this reason I’ve got some news to tell you – hence the letter. Microwaves have got cheaper and hence more people can afford them. ▶ stąd więc
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henna /ˈhenə; US / noun [uncountable] a natural reddish-brown dye, used especially on the hair and skin ▶ henna
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hepatitis /ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs; US / noun [uncountable] a serious disease of the liver ▶ zapalenie wątroby
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□ herald noun [countable] a person in former times who gave important messages from a ruler to the people ▶ herold herald /ˈherəld; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to be a sign that sb/sth is going to happen soon The minister’s speech heralded a change of policy. ▶ zwiastować
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heraldry /ˈherəldri; US / noun [uncountable] the study of the history of old and important families and their special family symbols (coats of arms) ▶ heraldyka
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herbal /ˈhɜ: bl; US ˈɜ: bl; / adj. made of or using herbs herbal medicine/remedies ▶ ziołowy herb /hɜ: b; US ɜ: b; / noun [countable] a plant whose leaves, seeds, etc. are used in medicine or in cooking Add some herbs, such as rosemary and thyme. a herb garden ▶ zioło
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herbalist /ˈhɜ: bəlɪst ˈɜ: b-; / noun [countable] a person who grows, sells or uses herbs for medical purposes ▶ ziela-rz/rka herbalism /ˈhɜ: blɪzəm ˈɜ: bl-; / noun [uncountable] the medical use of plants, especially as a form of alternative medicine ▶ ziołolecznictwo
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ˌherbal ˈtea noun [uncountable, countable] a drink made from dried herbs and hot water ▶ herbata ziołowa
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herbicide /ˈhɜ: bɪsaɪd ˈɜ: b-; / noun [countable, uncountable] a chemical that is poisonous to plants, used to kill plants that are growing where they are not wanted ▶ herbicyd
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herbivore /ˈhɜ: bɪvɔ:(r); US / noun [countable] an animal that only eats grass and plants ▶ zwierzę roślinożerne ⇨ look at carnivore, omnivore □ herbivorous /; US / adj. herbivorous dinosaurs ▶ roślinożerny trawożerny
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herd2 /hɜ: d; US / verb [transitive] to move people or animals somewhere together in a group The prisoners were herded onto the train. ▶ pędzić herd1 /hɜ: d; US / noun [countable] a large number of animals that live and feed together a herd of cattle/deer/elephants ▶ stado trzoda