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bed of roses - an easy, comfortable situation
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abstract - existing as an idea or feeling, not as a material object
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acrobat - a person who does difficult and skilful physical things
szkoła aktorska
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acting school - a special school for people who want to be actors in future
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adore - to love someone or something very much
pełen uwielbienia
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adoring - showing very strong love for someone or something
gwiazdorska obsada
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all-star cast - a group of very famous actors in a film
widocznie, faktycznie, najwyraźniej
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apparently - seemingly, evidently
podobać się, być atrakcyjnym
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appeal - to attract someone
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applause - the sound of people clapping their hands repeatedly
cenić sobie
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appreciate - to recognized how good someone or something is and to value it
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as a rule - usually, regularly
na pierwszy rzut oka
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at first glance - when first considering something before having a chance to look at it carefully
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atmospheric - creating a special feeling, especially mysterious or romantic feeling
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audition - a short performance given by an actor, musician, dancer or other performer that tests whether that person's skills are suitable for particular event or group
za kulisami
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backstage - in the are behind the stage in a theatre
oparty na
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based on - created by using particular ideas or facts from another source
za kulisami
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behind the curtain - away from public view, in secret
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belief - an idea that you are certain is true
rekordowa sprzedaż biletów
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box office record - a very hight amount of sold tickets
tancerz breakdance
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breakdancer - a person who does breakdancing
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breathtakingly - in a very impressive way
wybitnie nowatorski
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brilliantly inventive - remarkably innovative
mówiąc najogólniej
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broadly/generally speaking - without regard to specific details or exceptions
z brązu
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bronze - made of bronze
występować na ulicy jako artysta uliczny
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busk - to perform(for example music) in the streets and other public places for money
artysta uliczny
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busker - someone who performs (for example music) in the streets and other public places for money
zdjęcia (w filmie)
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camerawork - the way in which cameras are used in a film
nie móc się ruszyć
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can't move a muscle - to be in a state in which you are unable to move your body
centrum uwagi
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centre of attention - the person or thing that everyone is most interested in
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charcoal - a hard, black substance, similar to coal that can be used as a fuel
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choreography - the movements used by dancers or actors
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chorus - a group of people who are trained to sing together
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cloth - a piece of material used in cleaning to remove dirt or dust
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clown - a performer in a circus who wears funny clothes and makes people laugh by doing silly things
sukces komercyjny
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commercial success
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compensate - to change or remove the bad result of something
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composer - someone who writes music, especially classical music
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composition - something such as a piece of music, a piece of writing or paintings
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conductor - someone who directs a performance of musician
istota, sedno
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core - the basic and most important part of something
transakcja, interes
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deal - a transaction or arrangement especially in business
pełny, niezrównany
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definitive - not able to be improved
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demanding - needing a lot of time, attention and energy
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dialogue - conversations that are written for book, play or film
niepokojący, zatrważający
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disturbing - making you feel worried or upset
zwątpienie, wątpliwość
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doubt - the feeling of not being certain about something
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dramatic - related to the drama
przyciągać tłum
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draw a crowd - to cause a lot of people to come
wada, niedogodność
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drawback - disadvantage or the negative part of situation
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drawing - a picture that someone has drawn
próba kostiumowa
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dress rehearsal - the last time theatre work is practised before real performance
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dressing room - a room, especially in a theatre, in which actors put on clothes and make up
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duet - two people who sing or play musical instruments together
korzyść ekonomiczna
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economic benefit
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engaging - attractive and entertaining
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entranced - charmed
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entrancing - charming, interesting in a way that means you cannot stop listening or watching someone or something
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estimate - to guess or calculate
wiecznie, na zawsze
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eternally - in a way that lasts forever
sugestywny, działający na wyobraźnię
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evocative - making you remember or imagine something
pracownik szczebla kierowniczego
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executive - someone in a high position, especially in a business, who makes decisions
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exhibition - an event at which different objects such as paintings are shown for the public
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exhilarating - making you feel very excited and happy
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fame - the state of being known or recognized by many people because of your achievements, skills
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far-fetched - unlikely to be true and difficult to believe
zamieszczać, przedstawiać
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feature - to show or advertise someone or something as the most important
połykacz ognia
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fire eater - a performer who entertains people by seeming to swallow flames
paluszek rybny
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fish finger - a long piece of fished covered in breadcrumbs and cooked
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forgiving - willing to forgive
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fortune-teller - someone who tells you what will happen to you in future
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fund - to provide money for something
okrzyk zdumienia/podziwu
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gasp - a sudden shout because of big surprise
splendor, prestiż
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glamour - a quality of someone or something that causes excitation and admiration
wielki, cudowny
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glorious - deserving great admiration, praise and honour
podnoszący na duchu
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heartwarming - causing feelings of pleasure and happines
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illusionist - a performer who do tricks in which objects appear and then disappear
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immensely - extremely, hugely
nalegać na
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insist on - to say firmly that something must happen or must be done
nawiązywać kontakt z
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interact with - to start communication with someone
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intriguing - very interesting
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issue - a thing or a whole quantity of things given out at the one time
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juggler - a performer who juggles objects in order to entertain people
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landscape - a view or picture of the countryside
główna rola
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leading role - a central character in a play or movie
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leap - to make a huge jump
żyć z czegoś
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live off sth - to do something to provide the money
żywy posąg
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living statue - a performer who poses as a statue, in realistic make-up and costume, to entertain people
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luxurious - very comfortable and expensive
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magician - a performer who does magic tricks to entertain people
wiązać koniec z końcem
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make ends meet - to have just enough money to pay for the things you need
rękopis, maszynopis
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manuscript - the original copy of a book, before it is printed
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marvellous - extremely good
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memorable - likely to be remembered
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mime artist - a performer who entertains people by using movements of his body, without speaking
naśladować, parodiować
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mimic - to imitate or parody someone
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modernist - related to the modern art movement
bez ruchu
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motionless - without moving
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neat - very good
sprzeciwiać się (czemuś)
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object - to oppose, disagree with something
ukrywać się/ukryty
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obscure - to hide / not known to many people
mrok, zapomnienie
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obscurity - the state of being unknown
obraz olejny
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oil painting - a picture painted with oil paints
ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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on the whole/in general - generally
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orchestra - a group of musicians who plays classical music and are led by a conductor
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percussion - musical instruments that you play by hitting them with your hand or special sticks
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performance - the action of entertaining people by dancing, singing, acting
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pianist - someone who plays the piano
stanowisko, miejsce
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pitch - position, particular place
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playwright - a person who writes plays
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pop - to throw something
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portrait - a painting or photography of a person
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producer - someone who produces, makes something
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production - a particular series of performances in a theatre entertainment
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provoke - to cause a reaction
naruszenie porządku publicznego
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public nuisance - something that causes harm to people in general
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publish - to make something (for example book, magazine) available to people
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publisher - an organization that publishes things for money
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put on - to organize a performance
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rarity - something that is very unusual
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reception - the process of receiving something
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record-breaking - better, bigger, longer, etc. than anything else before
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rejection - the act of refusing to accept or agree with something
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roar - to make loud, deep sound
bez skrupułów
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ruthless - not caring if you hurt or upset other people when you try get what you want
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savings - money that you have saved
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scary - frightening
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scenery - the large pictures of buildings, countryside, etc. used on a theatre stage
ścieżka dźwiękowa
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score - a written representation of a musical composition showing all the vocal and instrumental parts arranged one below other
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sculptor - someone who makes sculpture
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sculpture - a piece of art that is made from stone, wood, clay, etc.
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sensational - done in a way that is intended to shock people
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sentimental - showing kind feelings such as sympathy, love, etc, especially in a silly way
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set - the furniture and scenery that is on the stage when the play is being performed or in the studio where filming takes place
wielki hit
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smash hit - very successful film, song, play, etc.
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soloist - a musician who performs a solo
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sonata - a piece of music written to be played on a piano
ścieżka dźwiękowa
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soundtrack - the music used in a film
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spectacular - extremely good, exciting, or surprising
martwa natura
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still life - a type of painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects that do not move, such as flowers, fruit
kwartet smyczkowy
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string quartet - a group of four instruments with strings play together
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stunt people - people who are performing stunts (difficult physical actions) that are too dangerous for the actors in a movie

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