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Lernen beginnen
a large building used for storing goods (magazyn)
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the act of keeping things somewhere so that they can be used later (przechowywanie)
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development of skills in a specific kind of work (specjalizacja)
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the point at which two lines or roads meet and cut across each other (skrzyżowanie)
to occur
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to happen, to take place (wydarzyć się, występować)
Lernen beginnen
an object, machine, or piece of equipment that has been made for some special purpose (urządzenie)
autonomous vehicle
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a driverless car that can navigate on its own from one point to another without assistance from a human (samochód autonomiczny)
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a device that responds to a physical stimulus, as heat, light, sound, pressure, magnetism, or a particular motion, and transmits a resulting impulse (as for measurement or operating a control) (czujnik)
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having a frequency higher than what can be heard by the human ear (ultradźwiękowy)
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radio detection and ranging, a system that uses reflected radio waves to determine the velocity and location of objects (radar)
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when a business's expenses are more than its revenues (strata)
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happening once a year (roczny)
neural networks
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a series of algorithms that mimic the operations of an animal brain to recognize relationships between vast amounts of data (sieci neuronowe)
to steer
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to guide or control the movement of a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft, for example by turning a wheel or operating a rudder (sterować, kierować)
to accelerate
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to speed up, to move faster (przyspieszyć)
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an original model on which later versions are patterned (prototyp
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a metal structure on wheels that is used for carrying things (wózek, wóz, furmanka)
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(here:) an elastic body or device that recovers its original shape when released after being distorted (sprężyna)
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(here:) the state of being stretched tight (rozciąganie, naprężenie)
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Light Detection and Ranging, a remote sensing technique using the same principle as radar... travel out to the target and back is used to determine the range to the target. (radar optyczny)
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the work that is done to keep something in good condition (utrzymanie, konserwacja)
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something given to make up for something else (odszkodowanie)
Lernen beginnen
petrol (benzyna - Am. English)
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a short stay in a place that you make while you are on a longer journey to somewhere else (przerwa w podróży)
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the path that must be followed to get to a place (trasa)
ticket inspector
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someone who checks the tickets on a bus / train (kontroler biletów)
to facilitate
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to make easier (ułatwiać)
to launch
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to officially start something (uruchomić, rozpocząć coś; wystrzelić np. rakietę)
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relating to a city, town, village, or the like with local self-government (miejski, komunalny)
mobile device
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a small, lightweight, power-conserving, computing device that is capable of wireless access (urządzenie przenośne)
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the action of leaving, especially to start a journey (wyjazd, odjazd)
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(here:) a means of communication or transport (połączenie)
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a list of times, especially of arrivals and departures; timetable (rozkład jazdy)
electric scooter
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a light, battery-powered scooter, ridden standing up (hulajnoga elektryczna)
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the steering bar of a bicycle, motorbike, scooter, or other vehicle, with a handgrip at each end (kierownica roweru, hulajnogi...)
Lernen beginnen
a hard hat that protects your head (kask)
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the practice of sharing a car for regular traveling, especially for commuting (wspólne użytkowanie pojazdu
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protection against possible financial loss (ubezpieczenie)
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something you rent especially a car or house (wynajem)
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surrounding area (sąsiedztwo, pobliże)
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a metal box containing the gears in a vehicle (skrzynia biegów)
high-speed train
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a train operating at speeds of at least 125 mph, with the fastest modern trains reaching speeds of about 220 mph: high-speed rail is also defined by dedicated tracks and separated grade crossings (szybka kolej)
maglev, maglev train, magnetic levitation train
Lernen beginnen
a floating vehicle for land transportation that is supported by either electromagnetic attraction or repulsion
tilting train
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a train that has a mechanism enabling increased speed on regular rail tracks; it can travel faster than ordinary trains because it tilts when the track curves (wychylne nadwozie)
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a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared (kryterium, miara)
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capable of continuing at same level; using methods that do not harm environment (trwały, zrównoważony)
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the speed of an object in a particular direction (prędkość)
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doing something in a way that saves you time and energy (wydajny, skuteczny, efektywny)
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deserving trust, dependable (niezawodny)
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buoyant or suspended in water or air (unoszący się)
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a force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact (tarcie)
Lernen beginnen
a high speed maglev train that would travel in a "vacuum tunnel". The state of Colorado is being considered as a location for a large scale Hyperloop track
solar panels
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devices that change energy from the sun into electricity (panele słoneczne)
to generate
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to produce (generować)
to envisage
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to imagine; to form a mental image of; visualize; contemplate (przewidzieć, wyobrazić sobie)
Lernen beginnen
a person who travels from home to work and back (osoba dojeżdżająca do pracy)
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an empty space with no particles and no pressure (próżnia)
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too blocked or crowded and causing difficulties (zatłoczony, przeciążony)
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(here:) a piece of stamped metal or plastic, etc., used as a substitute for money; a voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services (żeton)
Lernen beginnen
the place to which someone or something is going (miejsce przeznaczenia, cel podróży)
disabled people
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people who have a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities (osoby niepełnosprawne
rolling stock
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locomotives, freight cars, and other types of wheeled equipment owned by railroads (tabor kolejowy)
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a boat that carries people and goods back and forth across a stretch of water (prom)
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a small, fast boat that is powered by an engine (motorówka)
Internet of Things
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describes a system in which everyday objects are connected to the internet and in turn are able to communicate information throughout an interconnected system (Internet rzeczy; sieć obiektów fizycznych)
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Closed-circuit television - a detective control that provides video surveillance. Video surveillance provides reliable proof of a person's location and activity. (telewizja o zamkniętym obiegu, telewizja przemysłowa)
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a device to produce physical movement based on output from a computer system (urządzenie uruchamiające)
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something lying over or under something else (warstwa)
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a rail acting as a safety barrier at the side of a road, or other dangerous area (barierka drogowa)
ultrasonic sensor
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uses reflected sound waves to measure distance between the sensor and any objects in its path (czujnik ultradźwiękowy)
network connectivity
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describes the extensive process of connecting various parts of a network to one another, for example, through the use of routers, switches and gateways, and how that process works (łączność sieciowa)
Lernen beginnen
the programs and other operating information used by a computer (oprogramowanie)
Lernen beginnen
the moment when two objects hit each other (kolizja / zderzenie)
to analyze
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examine (something) methodically and in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it (analizować)
Lernen beginnen
fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools (infrastruktura)
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the amount of goods and materials owned by a company at a particular time, including parts, products being made, and finished products (inwentarz, zapasy)
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the ability to do something without making mistakes (precyzja, dokładność)
internal combustion engine
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an engine that burns fuel inside cylinders within the engine (silnik spalinowy - wewnętrznego spalania)
electric engine, electric motor
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an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy (silnik elektryczny)
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a chemical or biological substance which harms water, air, or land quality (substancja zanieczyszczająca środowisko, polutant)
carbon dioxide
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the gas formed when carbon is burned, or when people or animals breathe out; carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas (CO2) (dwutlenek węgla)
Lernen beginnen
a chemical element that is a gas with no colour or taste, forms most of the earth's atmosphere (atomic number 7) (azot)
nitrogen oxide
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a gas produced at high temperatures by combining nitrogen and oxygen (tlenek azotu)
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the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services (gospodarka)
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causing or likely to cause harm (szkodliwy
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the growth of cities (urbanizacja)
CNG (compressed natural gas)
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natural gas that has been compressed and stored at very high pressure in strong containers (sprężony gaz ziemny)
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connected with the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their environment (ekologiczny)
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the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live (środowisko)
low-emission bus
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a vehicle that does not produce much pollution (autobus niskoemisyjny)
zero-emission bus
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a bus that uses electricity to charge an on- board battery pack, which powers its motor; this means no gasoline or diesel, no dirty oil changes, no internal combustion engine, no dirty exhaust (autobus zero-emisyjny)
CNG bus
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a bus that runs on compressed natural gas (CNG) (autobus napędzany gazem ziemnym)
hybrid bus
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a bus that combines two power sources in the vehicle drive train - a conventional diesel engine and an electric motor; the hybrid system enables energy to be recovered during braking and then released to accelerate the vehicle (autobus hybrydowy)
hydrogen bus
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an electric bus (hence Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle), with energy stored in compressed hydrogen tanks rather than in batteries, extending daily range up to 500km (autobus wodorowy)
electric bus
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a passenger bus powered by electricity via an electric motor, with the source of power either from rechargeable batteries or by drawing power from overhead wires; the latter form is generally called a trolleybus (autobus elektryczny
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a bus powered by electricity obtained from overhead wires by means of a pole (trolejbus)
exhaust emissions
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waste gases produced by the vehicle (spaliny)
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the act or instance of comparing (porównanie)
greenhouse gases
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gases in Earth's atmosphere that trap heat; they let sunlight pass through the atmosphere, but they prevent the heat that the sunlight brings from leaving the atmosphere. The main greenhouse gases are: water vapor, carbon dioxide. (gazy cieplarniane)
demand for
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need for (zapotrzebowanie, popyt na...)
fossil fuels
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fuels, such as gas, coal, and oil, that were formed underground from plant and animal remains millions of years ago (paliwa kopalne/ kopalniane)
Direct Current (DC)
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electric current that flows in only one direction (prąd stały)
to implement
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to put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect (wprowadzić, wdrożyć)
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the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage (investycja)
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very large or important (główny)
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the place where two highways or two sets of railroad tracks cross or join (węzeł, skrzyżowanie)
in compliance with
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in accordance with; according to an order, set of rules, or request (zgodnie z
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a paved or cleared strip on which planes land and take off (pas startowy)
to radiate
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(here:) to diverge or spread from or as if from a central point (rozchodzić się promieniście)
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almost, but not exactly; more or less (w przybliżeniu)
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the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place (dostęp)
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easy and suitable to a particular situation (dogodny)
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the process of making a road, building etc bigger or longer, or the part that is added (przedłużenie, rozbudowa)
motorway (BrE), highway/freeway (AmE)
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a main road, especially one connecting major towns or cities, usually wide, with high speed limits (autostrada)
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a highway especially planned for high-speed traffic, usually having few if any intersections, limited points of access or exit, and a divider between lanes for traffic moving in opposite directions (droga ekspresowa, autostrada)
carriageway, roadway
Lernen beginnen
one of the two halves of a main road (jezdnia)
dual carriageway
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a road with two lanes of traffic in each direction and a strip of land in the middle (droga dwujezdniowa, dwupasmowa)

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