Spedycja Ang

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przyczepa w trakcie zaladunku
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trailer being loaded
ciagle laduja
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They're still loading
która brama
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which gate
gdzie podstawic przyczepe
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where to park the trailer
przyjechalem na zaladunek z
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I came to load with
jak dlugo potrwa zaladunek przyczepy
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how long will it take to load the trailer
co robic
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what to do
nr zaladunku ma sie zaczynac od
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The loading number should start with
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zaczeli jakies 15min temu
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They started about 15 minutes ago
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they are unloading
mam dokumenty z ostatniej trasy
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I have documents from the last tour
podczas parkowania otarlem inna przyczepe
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I brushed another trailer while parking
protokół w raz ze zdieciem w
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protocol together with the photo in
mamy problem z przyczepą
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we have a problem with the trailer
obawiamy sie że do 4am nie zdazymy dojechac do
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We're afraid we won't be able to get there by 4am
za okolo godzine robimy pauzę
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We'll take a break in about an hour
wystarczy mi czasu?
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Will I have enough time?
skoro tak mówisz
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if you say so
to bylo na wariata
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that was crazy
moj czas się skończyl
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my time is up
wiedzialem że to jest przegiecie
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I knew this was too much
podczepialismy naczepe
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We hooked up the trailer
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część od ukladu oleju
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part from the oil system
czy coś wiesz o mechaniku
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Do you know anything about mechanics?
mieli sprawdzić wyciek oleju
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they were supposed to check for an oil leak
rura od oleju
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oil pipe
dmucha olej
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blows oil
płyn do chłodnicy
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radiator fluid
nie dziala nam
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it doesn't work for us
jest wylogowany
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is logged out
nie poprwane haslo
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incorrect password
nie poprawny login
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incorrect login
kolejka do wjazdu
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queue to enter
zostawilismy półapkę w tym samym miejscu
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we left the half in the same place
pulapka na myszy
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co mamy robić
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what shall we do
tak widzielismy
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that's what we saw
gdzie mozemy zatankowac
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where we can refuel
gdzie mozemy zatankowac
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where we can refuel
chcemy wziąć
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we want to take
trzymaj to miejsce dla nas
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hold this place for us
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musimy wrucic
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we have to go back
nie bylem przy zaladunku
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I wasn't there when it was loaded
nie uczestniczylem przy zaladunku
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I did not participate in the loading
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pokazuje tylko dwie drogi dla cieżarowek
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it shows only two roads for trucks
mamy glównie paczki mamy to sami rozładowac
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We mainly have parcels and we have to unload them ourselves
czy naczepe wziac z hm
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Should I take the trailer from hm?
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zabraknie nam czasu by wrócic
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We won't have time to come back
nierówna praca silnika
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uneven engine operation
silnik nie równo pracuje
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the engine does not run smoothly
mozemy tu kupic bilet
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we can buy a ticket here
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pasy transportowe
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Transport lines
zrobimy jak mowisz
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we will do as you say
mamy 5h do rozładunku
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we have 5 hours to unload
nie dojedziemy do 16
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We won't make it to the 16th
nie zdążymy
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we won't make it
chyba sie nie rozumiemy
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I don't think we understand seach other
bedziemy za 30 minut
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We'll be there in 30 minutes
nie mozemy zaplacic
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we can't pay
tak nie moglismy zaplacic
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so we couldn't pay
ale pomogl nam ktos inny
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but someone else helped us
karta ma problem z czytnikiem
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the card has a problem with the reader
przyczepa bedzie gotowa na 12
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the trailer will be ready by 12
5min na toalete
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5 minutes to the toilet
doladowac tą samą
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top up the same one
czy mamy przerwać przerwe
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should we stop the break?
bo jest problem na parkingach z miejscem
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because there is a problem with parking spaces
czy jest sens jeździc i szukac
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Is there any point in driving and looking?
nie moglem wiechać
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I couldn't hang
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I left
nie bylo rozsadne
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it wasn't reasonable
na pasie awaryjnym
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in the emergency lane
patrolem policji
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police patrol
ten kierowca stoi na zakazie zaraz za bramkami
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this driver is banned right behind the gates
to nie jest odpowoedzialne
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this is not responsible
i ekstremalnie niebezpieczne
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and extremely dangerous
i dzisiaj to trwalo
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and today it continued
co slychac
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what's up
czekaja w kolejce
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they are waiting in line
choroba alkocholowa
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alcoholism disease
dlalej na
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pour on
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będziemy jechaċ na full ale to nie realne by dojechać w punkt
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We will drive at full speed but it is not realistic to reach the point
mamy zbyt drogi towar by parkować na dziko we francji
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Our goods are too expensive to park in the wild in France
miałeś nam powiedzieċ
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you were supposed to tell us
bedziemy ok
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we'll be ok
może zdążę
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maybe I'll make it
pisalismy o naszym
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we wrote about ours
zaplacis za mnie
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you will pay for me
mozemy jechac na przepinkę
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we can go for a change
przypominamy że w czwartek wracamy do domu
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We would like to remind you that we are returning home on Thursday
czy mam isc zapytac jeszcze raz
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should I go ask again
czy musze czekac tez
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do I have to wait too?

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