Synonyms for the adjective "small"

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Frage English Antworten English
extremely small
From this perspective people look ________.
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From this perspective people look minuscule.
very small
I'll have a slice of cake, but just a ________ bit.
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I'll have a slice of cake, but just a teeny bit.
which fits in a pocket
That's a pity that tents are not ________.
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That's a pity that tents are not pocket-sized.
small and thin in an attractive way
Even though he is 2 meters high, he is attracted only to ________ girls.
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mostly about girls or women
Even though he is 2 meters high, he is attracted only to petite girls.
having a small distance from one side to the other, especially in comparison with the length
I used to get lost in those ________ streets of Sevilla.
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I used to get lost in those narrow streets of Sevilla.
very small
Have you ever seen such a ________ car?
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Have you ever seen such a tiny car?
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"Synonyme für die zu häufig verwenteden englischen Wörter"
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