Taking a bus or a train

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Where is the ticket office?
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Дзе знаходзяцца касы?
What time is the next train to the city center?
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Калі наступны цягнік да цэнтра горада?
Is this seat free?
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Гэта месца свабоднае?
The bus driver doesn't stop there. I have to take another bus.
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Вадзіцель аўтобуса не спыняецца там. Мне трэба перасесці на іншы аўтобус.
Where are the tickets machine?
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Дзе знаходзяцца аўтаматы па продажу білетаў?
Where is the bus station?
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Дзе знаходзіцца аўтавакзал?
Where can I buy a ticket?
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Дзе я магу набыць білет?
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"Everyday phrases in Belarusian"
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