The law of TORT no 2

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Conduct that causes harm to another person is refered to as a...
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Pozwać kogoś (Tort)
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Bring an action in tort
The usual remedy (compensation) for a tort is...
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Sprawca in Tort
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Repetetive actions (ie. noise every day)
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The action of damaging the good reputation of someone
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A direct or an intentional interference with any person's body
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Trespass to the person
To make someone afraid that I will physically hurt them is the tort of...
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To actually hurt someone in a physical way is the tort of...
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To keep someone in a certain place without that person's permission is the tort of...
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False imprisonment
Publishing the statement in a permament form (ie. writing in a book) is the tort of...
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Statement in a form that is not permament (ie. saying something in ordinary conversation) is the tort of...
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In situations where you can anticipate that your conduct is likely to cause harm to another person then you have...
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The duty of care

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