Top 100 phrasal verbs 51 - 75

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Growing up is not easy to accept. ----- to GROW UP.
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Crecer, crecer arriba. to become an adult.
Hold the ladder up or I will fall down. ----- to HOLD something UP.
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Sostener, agarrar algo fuertemente. to grab something tightly upward to prevent from falling.
We should ask others to join in our activities. ----- to JOIN IN.
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Unirse en, joniar en, juntarse, unirse en. to join or become involved.
I keep away from negative people. ----- to KEEP AWAY.
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Mantenerse alejado de, keepearse lerse lejos de. to avoid someone or something.
You keep on doing the same mistake ...... Quito why do you keep on talking after I've asked you to be quiet?. ----- to KEEP ON.
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Keepear Onorio con lo mismo, Continuar con lo mismo, to continue to do something.
Don't give up Ilse, keep up.---- to KEEP UP.
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Mantenerse al mismo nivel arriba, seguir al mismo nivel. to move at the same rate as someone else. also: to cope with something that changes fast.
Leave your emotions out. ---- to LEAVE OUT.
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Dejar afuera, Excluir algo o a alguien, leavear algo alguien afuera. to not include.
I am sorry if I let you down, but we need to break off.---- to LET DOWN.
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Decepsionar. to disappoint.
Sit down, I need to talk to you. ---- to SIT DOWN.
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Sentarse. to take a sit.
Maria Oviedo locked her drunk husband out of the house. ---- to LOCK OUT.
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Cerrar con llave y quedarse afuera sin poder entrar. Lakear afuera. to prevent (someone) from entering a place, car, etc., by locking it.
I often LOOK BACK TO when I was a child.---- Grandpa often LOOK BACK ON when he was young and strong.---- to LOOK BACK TO/ON. to LOOK BACK TO/ON.
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Mirar hacia el pasado, pensar en el pasado, Mirar Atras Onorio/A, recordar. to think about the past, to reminisce.
I look forward to meeting you.---- to LOOK FORWARD.
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Esperar con ansias. to be excited about something that will happen. used in letters to express hope about receiving an answer.
Look out where you put your feet. ---- to LOOK OUT.
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Cuidado, aguas, Mirar Afuera. to be careful.
I LOOK UP TO Obama for what he achieved. -------- LOOK UP TO someone.
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I (- -) Obama for what he achieved. -------- 1. LOOK OUT FOR, 2. LOOK UP TO, 3. LOOK UP FOR.
Admirar y respetar. to admire another person.
I made up an excuse to avoid going out with her.---- to MAKE UP.
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Inventar. to invent also: to reconcile after an argument.
I always mix up my cousins' names. ---- to MIX UP.
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Confundir algo o alguien, mixear arriba algo o alguien. to confuse two things.
I bought a house, I will move in tomorrow.---- to MOVE IN.
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Moverse a vivir en. moverse ines a vivir. to start living in a new house.
Mike Tyson knocked down the opponent. ---- to KNOCK DOWN.
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Noquear. to hit someone until he falls down. also: to hit by a car; to decrease.
You should pay back the money I've lent you.--- to PAY BACK.
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Pagar de regreso, pagar patras. to pay and give the money borrowed. also: to revenge.
George Ramos said, fucking Donal drove me out after what I've done. ---- to DRIVE Somebody OUT.
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Sacar a la fuerza. Manejar Afuera a alguien a la fuerza... to force somebody or something to leave.
Can you pick me up at 6:00 pm.?. ---- to PICK UP.
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Recoger, levantar de un lugar. to lift with a vehicle. also; to learn something new...
George Ramos plugged in the TV.---- to PLUG IN.
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Plug inconectar el enchufe en un autlet. to connect to electricity.
I think I have to point out how irresponsible is their idea. ---- to POINT OUT.
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Puntualizar algo Afuera, decir algo. to point out something, to tell or to show.
Put away that spider from me!. ---- to PUT AWAY.
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Poner algo en su lugar, guardar. Poner Lejos. to put back in its place. also: to save money.
I will PUT UP at a hostel in London....... Could you put me up for the night when I come to London?. ---- to PUT UP.
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Hospedarse, alojarse, o dar alojamiento a alguien, poner alguien arriba. to let someone stay in your house.

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