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if you ... you destroy all possible ways of going back to that situation.
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burn your boats/bridges
If I were you, I wouldn't burn all my boats just yet. You may want to come back
to start behaving in a way that is not generally acceptable, especially dishonestly or illegally (inf)
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go off the rails
He went off the rails in his first year at university.
to spend a lot of money on celebrating something (inf)
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push the boat out
They really pushed the boat out for Annie's wedding.
to do something that is dangerous or only just legal or acceptable:
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sail close to the wind
You were sailing a little close to the wind there when you made those remarks about his wife.
to leave a place or begin a journey:
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hit the road
I'd love to stay longer but I must be hitting the road.
to lose an opportunity to do something by being slow to act:
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miss the boat
There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some.
to react in a very angry way to something that someone says or does:
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tfly off the handle
He's extremely irritable - he flies off the handle at the slightest thing.
left in a place from which you cannot escape:
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What would you miss most if you found yourself marooned on a desert island?

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