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prawić komplementy, schlebiać
(v) to say nice things to someone in order to make them feel attractive or important, sometimes in a way that is not sincere
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(v) to say nice things to someone in order to make them feel attractive or important, sometimes in a way that is not sincere
The interviewer flattered him about his recent work.
(adj) not behaving in a way that is as wise and calm as people expect from someone your age
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(adj) not behaving in a way that is as wise and calm as people expect from someone your age
Some of the boys are quite immature for their age.
podekscytowany, podniecony
(adj) feeling very happy and enthusiastic
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(adj) feeling very happy and enthusiastic
happy, excited faces. The children are getting really excited about the party.
uczciwość, szczerość
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(n) the quality of being honest
uczciwość, szczerość
udzielać się towarzysko, spotykać się
(v) to spend time enjoying yourself with other people
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(v) to spend time enjoying yourself with other people
The cafe is a place where students can socialize with teachers.
niewiarygodny, rewelacyjny
(adj) very good, exciting, or large
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(adj) very good, exciting, or large
We had an incredible time that summer.
agent nieruchomości
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estate agent
(n) someone who sells buildings and land as their job

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