Unit 3

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to make somebody dislike somebody/something or not trust them/it
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to put off
She's very clever but her manner does tend to put people off.
(formal) to persuade or influence somebody to do something
skłaniać, nakłaniać
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to induce somebody to do something
Nothing would induce me to take the job.
denerwujący, męczący
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to make people think that something is less important than it really is
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to downplay
The coach is downplaying the team's poor performance.
the fact of existing or being very common at a particular time or in a particular place
powrzechne występowanie
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an increase in the prevalence of smoking among young people
bliski kontakt z kimś, dobre stosunki, relacje
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zamierzać coś lada moment
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be on the point of doing sth
nieodzowne, niezbędne, konieczne
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biegle, po mistrzowski, zręcznie
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to shock somebody very much
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to appall
The brutality of the crime has appalled the public
porównywać, zestawiać
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to collate
nietknięty, nienaruszony
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Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years.
taking unnecessary risks
wariacki, ryzykowny
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It would be foolhardy to sail in weather like this.
to move lightly and quickly; to make something move in this way
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to flutter
Her eyelids fluttered but did not open. He fluttered his hands around wildly.
to move slowly from side to side; to move something in this way
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to sway
The branches were swaying in the wind.
to cover something/somebody thickly or with too much of something
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to smother sth/sb with/in something
Try our rich orange sorbet smothered in fluffy whipped cream and nuts.
oczarować, zauroczyć
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to enchant
to impress somebody very much with intelligence, beauty, etc.
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to bedazzle sb
He was so bedazzled by her looks that he couldn't speak.
wykluwać się (z jajka)
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to hatch
czas trwania życia
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(formal) the destruction caused by something
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the ravages of something
the ravages of war. Her looks had not survived the ravages of time.
to damage something badly
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to ravage sth
to make somebody confused because they do not understand something
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to mystify sb
wysokość nad poziomem morza
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zauważać, zaznaczać, zwracać uwagę na
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to point out
nie zgadzać się z kimś
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to be at odds with sb
(informal) to give out an amount of food, money, etc. to a number of people in a grou
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to dole sth out to sb
niechętny, oporny, nieskory
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dyspensować, rozdzielać
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to dispense
(formal) an amount of something that somebody is given or allowed to have; the process of giving something to somebody
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Water allotments to farmers were cut back in the drought.
śmiały, zuchwały
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akumulować, gromadzić, nagromadzić (np. kapitał, fortunę)
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to amass
zapoczątkować, wprowadzać
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to pioneer
to cancel or get rid of something that is no longer practical or useful
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to scrap sth
The oldest of the aircraft were scrapped. They had been forced to scrap plans for a new school building.
z grubsza, mniej więcej
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o ile; podwarunkiem, że
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provided that
to produce or provide something, for example a profit, result or crop
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to yield sth
The research has yielded useful information.
​the fact of being responsible for your decisions or actions and expected to explain them when you are asked
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odprawa (po odejściu z pracy)
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severance package
zerwanie (np. więzów dyplomatycznych), odłączenie (od czegoś)
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ogrom, rozmiar, ważność, wielkość
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(form) mierny, pośledni, średni, przeciętny
not very good; of only average standard
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mętny, niejasny (np. wyjaśnienia, tłumaczenie)
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(form) przesłanka, założenie
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to deter
to encourage something to develop
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to foster
The club's aim is to foster better relations within the community.
furtka; luka (w przepisach; w systemie prawnym, podatkowym)
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