Unit 4

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Frage English Antworten English
Lernen beginnen
a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which lava is sometimes forced out
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a large area of land where it is always very dry, and there is a lot of sand
mountain range
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a group of mountains or hills, usually in a line
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coming from or existing in the hottest parts of the world
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a black and white sea bird, which cannot fly but uses its wings for swimming.
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a large sea animal that eats fish and lives around coasts
polar bear
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a large white bear that lives near the North Pole
South Pole
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the most southern point on the surface of the Earth
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a long and carefully organised journey, especially to a dangerous or unfamiliar place, or the people that make this journey
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to continue to live after an accident, war, or illness
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to try very hard to achieve something that is difficult or dangerous
Lernen beginnen
everything in the physical world that is not controlled by humans, such as wild plants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather
Lernen beginnen
the fastest speed, longest distance, highest or lowest level etc. that has ever been achieved or reached, especially in sport
break a record
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to do better or be greater than an existing record
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relating to the mind and thinking, or happening only in the mind
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in relation to your body rather than your mind or emotions
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someone who is fit is strong and healthy, especially because they exercise regularly
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a way from one place to another
run out of
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to use all of something and not have any more left
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to think that something may not be true or that it is unlikely
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the person who directs or controls a group, organisation, country etc.
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a strong desire to achieve something
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actions, behaviour, or an attitude that shows courage and confidence
get your head round
Lernen beginnen
to be able to understand something
come face to face with
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if you come face to face with something difficult, you experience it and have to deal with it
put your foot in it
Lernen beginnen
to say something without thinking carefully, so that you embarrass or upset someone
see eye to eye
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if two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other
catch somebody's eye
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to attract someone's attention and make them look at something
keep an eye on
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to look after someone or something and make sure that they are safe
keep a straight face
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to not laugh or smile, even though something is funny
get cold feet
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to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do something you planned to do
can't face
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can't faceif you can’t face something, you feel unable to do it because it seems too unpleasant or difficult
put your foot down
Lernen beginnen
to say very firmly that someone must do something or must stop doing something
Lernen beginnen
to write a short article describing and judging a new book, film, experience etc.
Lernen beginnen
someone who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity
Lernen beginnen
close to or relating to the North Pole or the South Pole
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someone who is related to a person who lived a long time ago, or to a family, group of people etc. that existed in the past
Lernen beginnen
an instrument that shows directions and has a needle that always points north
Lernen beginnen
a long running race of about 26 miles or (42 kilometres)
Lernen beginnen
a place or situation in which people suffer very much, either physically or emotionally
Lernen beginnen
the science or job of planning which way you need to go when you are travelling from one place to another
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to be in a difficult or painful situation for a long time without complaining
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to not damage or harm someone or something, even though other people or things are being damaged
Lernen beginnen
a deep open crack in the thick ice on a mountain
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a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it
Lernen beginnen
a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley
Lernen beginnen
the most exciting or important part of a story or experience, which usually comes near the end
Lernen beginnen
giving people a feeling of excitement and a desire to do something great
Lernen beginnen
very good, enjoyable, or unusual, and worth remembering
Lernen beginnen
a feeling of comfort when something frightening, worrying, or painful, has ended or has not happened
Lernen beginnen
the opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past
Lernen beginnen
someone who is admired for doing something extremely brave
Lernen beginnen
if someone is shipwrecked, they are in a boat or ship when it is destroyed in an accident
set off
Lernen beginnen
to start to go somewhere
cabin cruiser
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a large motorboat with one or more cabins for people to sleep in
Lernen beginnen
to travel on or across an area of water in a boat or ship
blow up
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if bad weather blows up, it suddenly arrives
Lernen beginnen
to start something, usually something big and important
Lernen beginnen
a long thin piece of food made from a mixture of flour, water, and eggs, usually cooked in soup or boiling water
Lernen beginnen
on or towards the shore of a lake, river, sea etc.
life guard
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someone whose job at a beach or swimming pool is to help swimmers who are in danger
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a building or an area with a roof over it that protects you from the weather or from danger
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not covered up
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a flat floating structure, usually made of pieces of wood tied together, used as a boat
fishing rod
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a long thin pole with a string and a hook attached to it, used to catch fish
in the wild
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in natural and free conditions, not kept or controlled by people
Lernen beginnen
someone or something that is regarded as a possible danger
Lernen beginnen
a medical condition in which someone looks pale and their heart and lungs are not working correctly, usually after a sudden very unpleasant experience
Lernen beginnen
a condition caused by extreme cold, that makes your fingers and toes swell, become darker, and sometimes fall off
Lernen beginnen
a serious medical condition caused by extreme cold
Lernen beginnen
to suddenly feel so frightened that you cannot think clearly or behave sensibly, or to make someone do this
Lernen beginnen
to suddenly become unconscious for a short time
Lernen beginnen
an event, especially one that is unusual, important or violent
Lernen beginnen
many or involving many things, people, events etc.
Lernen beginnen
the condition of being physically unable to hear anything or unable to hear well
Lernen beginnen
a difference between similar things, or a change from the usual amount or form of something
Lernen beginnen
very wet
Lernen beginnen
difficult to see through or breathe
torrential rain
Lernen beginnen
very heavy rain
Lernen beginnen
to stop moving suddenly and stay completely still and quiet
storm out of
Lernen beginnen
to leave somewhere in a noisy, fast way that shows you are extremely angry
like lightning
Lernen beginnen
if you move like lightning you move extremely quickly
be icy with
Lernen beginnen
if you are icy with someone you show that you feel annoyed with or unfriendly towards them
cloud over
Lernen beginnen
if someone's face or eyes cloud over, they start to look angry or sad
a face like thunder
Lernen beginnen
a very angry expression
Lernen beginnen
a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks that falls down the side of a mountain
Lernen beginnen
something, especially a statement, that tells you that something bad, dangerous, or annoying might happen
Lernen beginnen
happening immediately
curl up
Lernen beginnen
to move so that you are lying or sitting with your arms and legs bent close to your body
Lernen beginnen
containing a lot of a particular type of thing
lose it
Lernen beginnen
to become very angry and upset
be out of your mind
Lernen beginnen
to be stupid or crazy
upside down
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with the top at the bottom and the bottom at the top
over the moon
Lernen beginnen
very happy
Lernen beginnen
to die from being underwater for too long
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very big, fast, powerful etc.
Lernen beginnen
a black sticky substance that is used on roofs, the bottoms of ships etc. to stop water coming through
Lernen beginnen
happening with a lot of force
Lernen beginnen
worried about something
Lernen beginnen
a feeling that you have no hope at all
Lernen beginnen
too unpleasant, painful, or annoying to deal with
Lernen beginnen
the idea of what you think something should be like
Lernen beginnen
to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement
Lernen beginnen
a bar that is fastened along or around something, for safety or to restrict movement
Lernen beginnen
floating on water
Lernen beginnen
if you remember something vividly, you remember it very clearly
Lernen beginnen
an extremely violent storm consisting of air that spins very quickly and causes a lot of damage
Lernen beginnen
[American English] tornado: an extremely violent storm made up of air that spins very quickly and causes a lot of damage
Lernen beginnen
things which are carried by road, train etc.
Lernen beginnen
a loud high sound made by the wind blowing
Lernen beginnen
to shake violently
Lernen beginnen
a vehicle that can be pulled behind a car, used for living and sleeping in
Lernen beginnen
to break with a sudden sharp noise
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the condition of being awake and able to understand what is happening around you
end up
Lernen beginnen
to be in a particular situation, state, or place after a series of events, especially when you did not plan it
Lernen beginnen
a small amount of damage to the brain that makes you lose consciousness or feel sick for a short time, usually caused by something hitting your head.
Lernen beginnen
one of the two organs in your body that you breathe with
Lernen beginnen
something that is cracked has one or more lines on its surface because it is damaged but not completely broken
Lernen beginnen
one of the 12 pairs of curved bones that surround your chest.
Lernen beginnen
broken into very small pieces
Lernen beginnen
a doctor who does operations in a hospital
Lernen beginnen
to use a needle and thread to make or repair something
Lernen beginnen
if it is drizzling, light rain and mist come out of the sky
Lernen beginnen
a powerful flash of light in the sky caused by electricity and usually followed by thunder
dull ache
Lernen beginnen
a dull ache or pain is not severe but does not stop
Lernen beginnen
if a vehicle or wheel skids, it suddenly slides sideways and you cannot control it
Lernen beginnen
an unexpected and dangerous situation that must be dealt with immediately
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not having a successful result or not achieving what you wanted to achieve
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no longer having the confidence you need to continue doing something
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something that is impossible cannot happen or be done
Lernen beginnen
to fail to understand someone or something correctly
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something that helps you to be more successful than others, or the state of having this
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something that causes problems, or that makes someone or something less likely to be successful or effective
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to read something incorrectly
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something that is likely to happen will probably happen or is probably true
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not likely to happen
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annoyed because of delays, someone else's mistakes etc.
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normal or usual
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not happening at the normal time for doing something
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not able to do something
Lernen beginnen
fever and weakness caused by being outside in the heat of the sun for too long
Lernen beginnen
feeling unable to stand steadily, for example because you are looking down from a great height or because you are ill

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