Unit 6

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Lernen beginnen
to speed up
Lernen beginnen
the ability to do something in an exact way without making a mistake
Lernen beginnen
when someone or something arrives somewhere
at the last minute
Lernen beginnen
at the last possible time, just before it is too late
be in the middle of doing sth
Lernen beginnen
to be busy doing something
be in time (for sth)
Lernen beginnen
to be in the perfect moment for something
be on the point of doing sth
Lernen beginnen
to be going to do something very soon
be on time
Lernen beginnen
to arrive somewhere punctually
be running late
Lernen beginnen
to arrive, go somewhere, or do something late
begin with
Lernen beginnen
used to introduce the first and most important point you want to make; during the first part of a process or activity
Lernen beginnen
connected to behaviour
Lernen beginnen
a shape that you cannot see clearly
by the time
Lernen beginnen
before or not later than a particular time
Lernen beginnen
two or more different things that exist together or are used or put together
Lernen beginnen
sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect
Lernen beginnen
happening or done every day
Lernen beginnen
likely to cause death
deep – depth – deepen
Lernen beginnen
depth: the distance from the top surface of something such as a river or hole to the bottom of it
Lernen beginnen
in a great and sudden way
Lernen beginnen
a teacher or someone involved in the process of educating people
Lernen beginnen
a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment about something and an eagerness to be involved in it
Lernen beginnen
concerning or affecting natural environment
every other (day/week, etc.)
Lernen beginnen
each second day/week, etc.
Lernen beginnen
making you feel excited
Lernen beginnen
to become larger in size, number or amount, or to make something become larger
Lernen beginnen
a lack of success in achieving or doing something
Lernen beginnen
designed to be useful rather than beautiful or attractive
high – height – heighten
Lernen beginnen
height: how tall someone or something is
in good time
Lernen beginnen
if you do something in good time, you do it early enough to be ready for a particular time or event
in no time
Lernen beginnen
very quickly or soon
Lernen beginnen
relating to industry or the people working in it
Lernen beginnen
one of the people who live in a particular place
keep up the momentum
Lernen beginnen
to keep increasing, developing or being more successful
long – length – lengthen
Lernen beginnen
length: the measurement of how long something is from one end to the other
Lernen beginnen
much smaller than normal
Lernen beginnen
a description of events in a story, especially in a novel
Lernen beginnen
someone who studies plants or animals
Lernen beginnen
to prevent something from having any effect
Lernen beginnen
sometimes, but not regularly and not often
on a daily basis
Lernen beginnen
the way that something happens every day, or the way that something is organised or done every day
Lernen beginnen
a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are
Lernen beginnen
containing poison or producing poison
Lernen beginnen
an animal that kills and eats other animals
Lernen beginnen
an animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal
Lernen beginnen
to cause an image to appear on screen
Lernen beginnen
to move around like a wheel
Lernen beginnen
not joined
Lernen beginnen
the order that something happens or exists in, or the order it is supposed to happen or exist in
Lernen beginnen
a situation in which there is not enough of something that people need
sooner or later
Lernen beginnen
used to say that something is certain to happen at some time in the future, though you cannot be sure exactly when
speed up
Lernen beginnen
to move or happen faster, or to make something move or happen faster
stick at
Lernen beginnen
to continue doing something in a determined way in order to achieve something
strong – strength – strengthen
Lernen beginnen
strength: the physical power and energy that makes someone strong
Lernen beginnen
to try extremely hard to achieve something, even though it is very difficult
survival strategies
Lernen beginnen
ways to survive
Lernen beginnen
an object, person or place that is deliberately chosen to be attacked
Lernen beginnen
land that is owned or controlled by someone/something
Lernen beginnen
during all of a particular period, from the beginning to the end
Lernen beginnen
a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way
weight – weigh
Lernen beginnen
weight: how heavy something is when you measure it
wide – width – widen
Lernen beginnen
width: the distance from one side of something to the other

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