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Lernen beginnen
a very successful film, show, concert, etc. / przebój, hit
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a collision, confrontation / utarczka, potyczka słowna
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in the least, in the slightest degree / w najmniejszym stopniu
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importance / znaczenie, ranga
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powerful person in business or industry
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making sth seem attractive / korzystny, pochlebny
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surprising / zdumiewający
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to prevent from release / wycofać (np. z obiegu, z druku), zataić
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to improve in quality and detail / udoskonalić
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to include, contain / obejmować
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make false and damaging statements/accusations about (someone) / pomówienie, zniesławienie (ustne)
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zniesławienie (na piśmie)
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news report / kronika filmowa
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(composing) music for a movie, play, etc; soundtrack (e.g. The original score - oryginalny soundtrack)
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I'll pay for it; It's on me
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be released, have premiere, come out
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additional/less important material
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highlight, stress, underline
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a lot of, a number of, a plethora of
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unashamed love/fondness / nieokiełznane uczucie
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speculate, presume, guess
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taking place or occurring more or less simultaneously / zachodzący, nakładający się na siebie
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sudden, unexpected / nagły, niespodziewany
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to refrain from giving / oszczędzić (komuś czegoś)
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things that one collects because they are connected to a person or an event that one has an interest in / pamiątki
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sth or sb not considered to be especially important / osoba lub rzecz bez znaczenia
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to survive, to live longer than sb / przeżyć, żyć dłużej
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being famous, well-known in a negative way / zła sława, zła reputacja
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an additional remark, a short digression / uwaga na marginesie
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new and original / nowatorski, innowacyjny
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the joining of two or more things to form one / połączenie, fuzja
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sb not accepted by a group of people or by society / wyrzutek
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trying to succeed / ambitny choć początkujący
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very good at sth / znakomity
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having a particular quality or asset / obdarzony (np. talentem)
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imaginary / fikcyjny (in real life; fictional - in books/movies)
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extremely interesting and exciting / pasjonujący, zajmujący
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eager, enthusiastic / żarliwy, zagorzały
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holding the attention or interest / porywający, zajmujący
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pleasant, enjoyable / miły, przyjemny
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having a metaphorical meaning / przenośny
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bringing strong memories or feelings to mind / działający na wyobraźnię, sugestywny
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objects made of baked clay / garncarstwo
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a mark made on a surface by a painter’s brush / pociągnięcie pędzlem, ślad pędzla
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= depressing and uncomfortable / przytłaczający
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dark or poorly lit, especially to appear frightening / mroczny, ponury
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fairly large in size or number / pokaźny, spory
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to include in a whole / zawierać
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different or separate / wyraźny, zdecydowany
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entranced, fascinated / oczarowany, zauroczony
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in agreement with everybody else / jednogłośnie, jednomyślnie
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to disapprove of, criticise / potępić
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the place of a meeting or event / miejsce (np. spotkania, koncertu, konferencji)
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unpleasantly overpowering, domineering, dominating / apodyktyczny
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very impressed and amazed by sth / oniemiały z wrażenia
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having a lot of green grass or plants / bujny
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sb’s secret or private place / kryjówka
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to send or give too many things / zalać, zasypywać
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to be in a difficult situation / dosł. chodzić po linie; być w trudnej sytuacji
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to become involved in an activity or movement because it is fashionable or likely to succeed and not because one is really interested in it / ulec powszechnym trendom lub modzie
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to say or do sth the wrong way / uderzyć w złą strunę, zrobić coś niestosownego
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to look at sth and perceive more than what is obvious at first glance / czytać między wierszami
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waiting for one’s turn / (oczekujący) za kulisami, w pełnej gotowości
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to occupy a secondary position in a job or activity / grać drugie skrzypce
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to close down / zamknąć coś; zakończyć
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to inform sb / wprowadzić kogoś w sytuację, poinformować kogoś o bieżącej sytuacji
a hard/tough act to follow Lernen beginnen
a person or group that is so excellent that it will be difficult to replace them / ideał trudny do naśladowania
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beginning to develop, just becoming successful / początkujący
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frightening, making others lose confidence / nieprzyjazny, groźny
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looking wet, dirty and untidy / brudny, utytłany
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sounding like drums / perkusyjny, przypominający dźwięk perkusji
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great excitement or wild behaviour / rozgorączkowanie, ekscytacja
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to recover the money one has spent or lost / zrekompensować (sobie), odzyskać
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very stylish and attractive / wystrzałowy
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to cause suffering / dręczyć
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to make a great effort to do sth / zebrać (np. siły)
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in a relaxed way / nonszalancko
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shyness, timidity / brak pewności siebie
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unusual or imaginative in an eccentric way / wyrafinowany, wymyślny
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having a wide variety, different / różnorodny
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(informal) to meet and talk to influential people / poznawać wpływowe osoby
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to let go of sth, to forget about sth, to do without sth although you’d like it / odmówić sobie, zrezygnować z czegoś
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charging sb with a crime and then putting them on trial / wniesienie oskarżenia, ściganie
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to enter quietly without being noticed / wśliznąć się
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getting very wet / przemoknięcie
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expressing strong feelings / płomienny
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having the shade of a feeling or quality / zabarwiony
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to move at high speed / pędzić, gnać
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showing no strong emotions, saying nothing interesting / bez wyrazu
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to make people feel sth more strongly / podsycać (uczucia)
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to move up and down in regular movements / podnosić się i opadać
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to dance or move in circles / wirować
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composed of various elements in a special way
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to make a low continuous noise / grzmieć, dudnić
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to rain very heavily / lać jak z cebra
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continuously / bez przerwy, nieustannie
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to fear sth intensely / bać się
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a walk one takes for pleasure in a slow, relaxed way / przechadzka, spacer
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to treat sb in a superior way / traktować protekcjonalnie
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to cause sth to become generally liked / popularyzować
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illuminating, informative / pouczający
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an implication / konotacja, wydźwięk
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becoming a symbol / podniesiony do rangi symbolu
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in an easily perceptible way, openly, clearly / jawnie, otwarcie, w przejrzysty sposób
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an idea, concept / pojęcie, idea
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an order, project / zlecenie, zamówienie
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suitably, appropriately / odpowiednio
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clever but not sincere and not showing much thought / gładki, wygadany
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to understand, to figure out, comprehend / zgłębić, pojąć
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sth new and interesting / nowość
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a subject or situation presenting unseen hazards / dosł. pole minowe; grząski grunt
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an enemy, competitor / przeciwnik, adwersarz
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the highest point of a hill or mountain, a peak, top / szczyt
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a very bad snowstorm with strong winds / śnieżyca, burza śnieżna
be tied to one’s mother’s apron strings Lernen beginnen
to be dependant on one’s mother / trzymać się matczynej spódnicy
be from the wrong side of the tracks Lernen beginnen
to come from a lower social class / pochodzić z nizin społecznych
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to make an insulting remark or comment about sb, aimed to ruin their reputation / szkalować
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refusing to talk about an issue, or saying very little / małomówny, oszczędny w słowach
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the most favourite person / czyjeś oczko w głowie, ulubieniec
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insistently, firmly / niezłomnie, nieugięcie
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successful, developing quickly / kwitnący, świetnie prosperujący
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to expand / rozszerzać się, zwiększać się
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sb’s luck or situation in life / los, dola
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settled firmly and comfortably somewhere / wygodnie i bezpiecznie ulokowany
eke out a living/existence Lernen beginnen
to get enough food or money to live but not more / wiązać koniec z końcem
be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth Lernen beginnen
to be born into a rich family / urodzić się w bogatej rodzinie
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very proud and unfriendly / nadęty, zadufany
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decorated or dressed for a special occasion / wystrojony
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having no justification / bezpodstawny
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to be about to do sth / być bliskim (czegoś), być u progu (czegoś)
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sb who owns shares in a company / właściciel akcji, akcjonariusz
fight (sb/sth) tooth and nail Lernen beginnen
to fight in a determined way / walczyć do upadłego
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highly respected and admired, renowned / otaczany czcią, szanowany
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politely, honourably, boldly / z galanterią, szarmancko
Lernen beginnen