Unit 7

 0    19 Datenblatt    jakubszychowski
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mieć związek
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to bear a relation
The title of the essay bore little relation to (= was not much connected with) the contents.
the fact of being or looking similar to somebody/something
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The movie bears little resemblance to the original novel.
old-fashioned or without the most recent information and therefore no longer useful
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out of date
These figures are very out of date.
modern; fashionable or aving or including the most recent information
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up to date
We'll have to bring our equipment up to date. We are keeping up to date with the latest developments.
the date after which an official document, agreement, etc. is no longer legally acceptable, or after which something should not be used or eaten
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expiration date
Check the expiration date on your passport.
(of a document, an agreement, etc.) to be no longer legally acceptable because the period of time for which it could be used has ended
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to expire
When does your driving licence expire?
o advise or try hard to persuade somebody to do something
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to urge sb to do sth
Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately.
time spent giving your full attention to somebody, especially to your children or partner after work
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quality time
(formal) to organize and/or do a particular activity
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to conduct sth
to conduct an experiment/inquiry/investigation/interview
​very difficult to imagine or to understand; extremely surprising
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a problem of mind-boggling complexity It’s mind-boggling to me that this is allowed to happen.
tajcować się kimś/czymś
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to get a kick out of sb/sth
to show a quality, feeling, skill or type of behaviour; to show signs of something
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to display sth
to display helpful behaviour
(informal) to learn how to do or to use something; to understand something
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to get the hang of sth/doing sth
I can’t seem to get the hang of this game.
to remember somebody/something
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to bear sb/sth in mind
You don't have to do anything about it now... just bear it in mind.
przycisk drzemkin (przy budziku)
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snooze button
​causing or showing the feeling of being sad
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Christmas will be dismal without the children.
​in a way that causes or shows the feeling of being sad
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She shook her head dismally.
to invent something new or a new way of doing something
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to devise sth
A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.
an important development that may lead to an agreement or achievement
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a breakthrough
a significant breakthrough in negotiations

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