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cele i przebieg imprezy
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we organised chairity sport event so our goal is collect a lot of money from guests on modernise the sports hall in an inclusive school. At the beggining event we will service snacks and will be passible listen to music after eill be local artist concert
cele i przebieg
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and will be pasibilities buying unique things exactly from celebrities which will be on this event
zaproszeni sportowcy
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Invited athletes are famous and popular people. we invited persons which gained some prizes and they family. on the event also will be athletes retired
organizacje biaracw udzial
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organizations that wikl take part in event are sport club polish olimpic committee and internacional olimpic committee
promocja imprezy
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we will be annoucing the event in TV commercials and through leaflets and bilbords on the street in country or maybe poster on buildings and apartment doors
2 pytanje
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students most need exercise equipment amd new hall for running and playing football and also good physiotherapicst on sit

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