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a yeast cake
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a brioche
ciastro / słodka bułeczka
ciastro z owocowym nadzieniem
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a pastry
a Danish pastry
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a young mother who looks attractive and fashionable
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a yummy mummy
(if) worse/worst comes to worst
Traditionally it was 'Worst comes to worst'. Nowadays 'Worse comes to worst' is used as it seems more logical.
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if the worst comes to the worst - the original version
przypierać kogoś do muru
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to pin sb down (to the wall)
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He stormed from the room in a fit of pique, shouting that he had been misunderstood.
napinać mięśnie
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to flex
powiedzieć komuś coś prosto w oczy
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I don’t think I’d have the guts to say that TO his face.
weigh sth up
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We're just weighing up the pros and cons of moving to a bigger house.
comfort zone
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Rock climbing pushes many people beyond their comfort zones.
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Sometimes you have to be prepared to act on/follow a hunch.
between s rock and a hard place
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między młotem a kowadłem
I found myself in the soup
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wpadłam jak śliwką w kompot
to be in an unpleasant or difficult situation
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be in the soup
I found myself in the soup.
He who laughs last
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laughs longest
Many people suffer from back pain.
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no need to use an article
nie mam najmniejszego pojęcia
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not have the foggiest (idea)
a condition in which you cannot think clearly or pay attention to things in a satisfactory way
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brain fog (U)
Side-effects of the treatment include tiredness and brain fog.
let's teach our kids to be
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solution finders, friends who look out for others and in awe of creation
work or a way of life that seems very boring because you always have to do the same things
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I'd like to escape the office treadmill.
koowrotek dla gryzoni
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I bought a new treadmill for my hamster.
I can't make it TO the meeting
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I can't make the meeting.
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Czechia, (the) Czech Republik
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I was lucky and got myself a job with a top-notch company.
na równych prawach
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on equal terms
switch TO
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let's switch TO English
When did you last have a period?
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I was 12 years old when I started my periods.
cold/wet/dry spell
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He began to suffer from dizzy spells.
znieczulenie ogólne
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general anaesthesia / Operations were carried out UNDER light anaesthesia.
znieczulenie miejscowe
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local anaesthesia / Nine patients had the procedure under local anaesthesia.
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a hunchback / a humpback
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przez lornetkę
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We looked at the birds through binoculars.
to lower sails, as in order to reduce the area of sail set
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to take in sail
stawiać żagiel
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to set sail
If you hoist something heavy somewhere, you lift it or pull it up there.
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to hoist
wciągnąć flagę na maszt
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to hoist a flag
to cartwheel
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to do / to turn a cartwheel

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