Veselība - Health

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Viņa beidzot tika izārstēta no savs retās ādas slimības.
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to cure
arī: to heal
She was finally cured of her rare skin condition.
Kādi ir šīs slimības simptomi?
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an illness
What are the symptoms of this illness?
nomirt no
Es gandrīz nomiru no apkaunojuma.
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to die of
I nearly died of embarrassment.
atteikties no kaut kā
Veselības iemeslu dēļ, viņš atmeta smēķēšanu.
Lernen beginnen
to give something up
He gave up smoking for health reasons.
Man jāsteidzas, mani gaida pacients!
Lernen beginnen
a patient
I've got to rush, I have a patient waiting for me!
Slimnīcas māsiņas labi rūpējās par saviem pacientiem.
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a nurse
The hospital nurses took good care of their patients.
Dzemdību laikā palīdzēs vecmāte.
Lernen beginnen
a midwife
The midwife will help you during the labour.
+34 Datenblatt
Die Lektion ist Teil des Kurses
(Insgesamt 1.251 Datenblatt)

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