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someone who has “it”, gets angry very easily
mieć temperament, porywczość
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has a short fuse
Bob is charming, but he has a short fuse.
someone who does not have any patience with people who think they are stupid
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not suffer fools (gladly)
She was a tough boss and didn’t suffer fools gladly.
to easily become offended or angry because you think you have been treated unfairly in the past
mieć pretensje do całego świata
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have a chip on your shoulder
He still has a chip on his shoulder about his poor upbringing.
(informal) to be rude to people because you are feeling bad-tempered
być w złym nastroju, być jak zła osa
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like a bear with a sore head
Stay away from Sue- she’s like a bear with a sore head this morning.
angry and silent, especially because you feel life has been unfair to you
nadąsany, posępny, ponury
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Bill sat in sullen silence and refused to eat his lunch.
bad-tempered and unfriendly
gburowaty, opryskliwy, zgryźliwy
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The roon was fully of surly teenagers.
someone who often argues or likes arguing
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I wish he would discuss the issy calmly instead of being so argumentative.
likely to cause arguments or make people angry
konfliktowy, konfrontacyjny
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a confrontational style of management
rude or unkind
szorstki, opryskliwy
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She was a tough girl with rather an abrasive manner.
someone who gets annoyed or offended easily
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I find Paula a bit prickly.
not polite, and not showing respect for other people
niegrzeczny, nieuprzejmy
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I found his response to my letter extremely discourteous.
rude and not respectful, especially to someone who is older or more important
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They asked several impertinent questions about my private life.
rude and not showing any respect
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an insolent tone of voice
talking in a rude and offensive way, especially about sex
nieokrzesany, wulgarny
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coarse jokes
not behaving politely in social situations
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vulgar behaviour
behaving and speaking in a way that is rude or socially unacceptable
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He made their lives a mistery with his drunken and uncouth behariour.
(formal) not polite or friendly
chamski, gburowaty
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After everything she’s done for me, it would be churlish to refuse her invitation.
likely to upset or embarrass someone without intending to
nie taktowny
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It was vert tactless to mention her debts.
not thinking about the needs and feelings of other people, especially because you are thinking about what you want
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It was thoughtless of her not to tell you where she was going.
not caring about the feelings, needs, or comfort of other people
bezmyślny, nie liczący się z innymi
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We were shocked by the inconsiderate behaviour of some drivers.
unkind and unpleasant about other people
jędzowaty, złośliwy, wredny
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Their bitchy comments really upset me.
someone who says unkind things about people
uszczypliwy, złośliwy
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Joyce made a catty comment about Sonia's clothes.
when you have “it”, you often talk in a way that shows you are angry
ostry język
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a sharp tongue
Gina’s sharp tongue will get her into trouble one day
deliberately nasty to someone in order to hurt or upset them
złośliwy, dokuczliwy
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She was spiteful and unkind, both to Isabel and to her son.
very unkind and cruel, and deliberately behaving in a way that is likely to upset or hurt someone
złośliwy, podły
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Locking him out of the house was downright malicious.
cruel and enjoying making other people suffer
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She described her father as a sadistic bully.

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