Vocabulary 6

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wymóg, wymaganie
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Meeting the customer's specific requirement is essential for ensuring satisfaction
uwarunkowany czasowo
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time sensitive
This project is time sensitive, so we need to act quickly to meet the deadline
chętny, skory
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eager / willing
We're eager to hear your feedback on the proposed changes
zapał, ochota
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Eagerness / willingness
The team's eagerness to learn new skills has been instrumental in their success There's an eagerness among employees to learn new skills and take on new challenges
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We need to expedite the process to avoid any delays in delivery
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notice / observe
Please notice any discrepancies in the financial statements and report them immediately
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It's important to respond to customer inquiries in a timely manner
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The company's response to the market demand was swift and effective
dokładny, poprawny
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Our goal is to provide accurate information to our clients at all times
solidny, wiarygodny
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The new software system needs to be reliable to ensure smooth operations
użyć, zastosować
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use / apply
We need to use innovative strategies to stay ahead of the competition
zrobić przerwę
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make a pause
Let's make a pause to review the key points discussed so far
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The employee handbook provides guidelines for workplace conduct and policies
oznakować, wyznaczyć kierunek, drogowskaz
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In his presentation, he used clear signposts to indicate key points
przyciągać uwagę
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attract attention
The new advertising campaign aims to attract attention and increase brand awareness

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