wheel of time

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to silence someone
to silence sb
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uciszyć kogoś
courting SB's favour
seek favor by fawning or flattery. He tried courting a favor from the librarian by bringing her freshly baked cookies, hoping she'd waive his late fees."
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zabiegał o względy
As a doctor, she felt duty-bound to provide care to all her patients, regardless of their background."
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Cooped up on a boat
The children were cooped up inside all day because of the rain."
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Uwięziony na łodzi, w kurniku!
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obraźliwie o wieśniakach z Irlandii walii
cede all of that
Power: A leader might cede all of their political power.
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oddać wszystko to
i have a sneaking suspicion
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mam niejasne przeczucie
love will splinter and rot
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miłość rozpadnie się i zgnije
be steadfast
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być wytrwałym
The sorcerer's power-wrought spell transformed the landscape."
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wytwarzany mocą
remembrance of
remembrance of the things we should not forget
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pamięć o
meld the flows
"The conductor aimed to meld the flows of the different musical sections into a harmonious whole
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połączyć przepływy
afflictions of the mind
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cierpienia umysłu
pecking order
The children quickly established a clear pecking order on the playground."
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kolejność w hierarchii
fair enough
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awful ordeal
The journey through the desert was an awful ordeal."
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okropna próba
i have mused upon the past
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rozmyślałem nad przeszłością
close call
That was a close call; I almost missed my flight.
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o mały włos
brake as dried twigs
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łamać jak suche gałązki
look a propper man
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wyglądasz jak prawdziwy mężczyzna
weave as its wills
The Wheel of Time weaves as it wills, shaping the destinies of men and women."
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tkać zgodnie z jego wolą
support she engenders
It was the support she engendered that allowed the project to move forward."
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wsparcie, które wzbudza
as good as dead
After that accident, his career was as good as dead."
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prawie martwy
hatching a plan
my family is hatching a plan
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wymyślanie planu
rip sb/sth out
It felt like my heart was ripped out when they moved away."
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wyrwać cos
codswallop, in my opinion
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bzdura, moim zdaniem
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sheep shear
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nożyce do owiec
turn myself in
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wtrącę się
doe-eyed cow
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łzawe oczy, niewinne
dont tell on me
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nie donoś na mnie
filling your shoes
After the CEO retired, it was difficult to find someone who could fill his shoes."
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zastąpić kogoś
Forge my path
i must Forge my own path
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Wykuj moją ścieżkę
iron-clad alliance
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żelazny sojusz, pancernik
cloistred life
there is no going back to the cloistred life inside palace walls
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życie klasztorne
too much is at stake
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zbyt wiele jest na szali
prattle and prance about
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paplać i paradować
challenge head-on
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rzucić wyzwanie
Pick sb off
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Wybierz kogoś
drop the act
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przestań udawać
you had best
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its too gaudy for me
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pushing an agenda
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forsowanie programu
regain our standing
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odzyskać naszą pozycję
falls squarely
that falls squarely on you
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spada prosto
seep in
they wear the grief until it seeps in
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douse the flame
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ugasić płomień
watch it unfold
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zobacz jak to się rozwija
work out the dilemma
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rozwiązać dylemat
fair enough
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you had best
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swear fealty
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przysięgnij wierność
Clever as a pike
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Sprytny jak szczupak
how can we discount her power
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jak możemy deprecjonować jej moc
from a gleeman
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od barmana
will be stilled
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zostanie uciszone
he is very upbeat
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failing of our kind
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porażka naszego rodzaju
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the future may be woven
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confide in sb
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zwierzyć się komuś
hinder you from fullfilling your destiny
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return to their holds at peace
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powrócić do swych twierdz w pokoju
from complencency at what they think
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od samozadowolenia z tego, co myślą
they are pledged
they are pledged to rhuidian
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są zobowiązani
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manner of things will be well
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wszystko będzie dobrze
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tilled beneath your feet
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uprawiane pod twoimi stopami
having said that
that being said
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in spite of that

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