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български език - English

разпределение Englisch:

1. distribution

The Japanese distribution system, characterized by layers of wholesale, is complex and costly.
We have to study the unequal distribution of the money.
Gang Wives is a Yakuza movie released in 1986 by Toei Distribution Network.
audio video distribution
There is little, if any, of such distribution of control.
Patterns of freeze-up and breakup influence the distribution and number of seals, the polar bear's main prey.
Mexico is experiencing unprecedented violence as drug cartels are battling over distribution routes.
Service industries include communication, transportation, distribution, finance and a host of other areas which do not involve production of goods.
Wholesale distribution constitutes an important factor in business.
The important point concerning the complementary distribution is to specify the environment where the individual sounds occur.
We have some distribution problems of the goods in remote areas as there are very few roads.
"The real key in the food business these days is distribution."
What distribution system do you have?
It is likely that these two consonants are in complementary distribution.