das Wörterbuch Deutsch Minus Englisch

Deutsch - English

Stille Englisch:

1. hush hush

In space is always hush.
There was a deathly hush after she made the announcement.
An eerie hush fell over the room.
eventually the King rose and everyone hushed.
... the national coffers to hush them up.
hush agreement
The victim of blackmail has been paying hush money for years, but now he realizes it is foolish, and he has decided not to pay a red cent more.
Oh, hush!

Englisch Wort "Stille"(hush) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Bayou Folk" (Kate Chopin)
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Jessie Trim" (B. L. Far...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "The Cossacks" (Leo Tols...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "'Me and Nobbles'" (Amy ...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Under Blue Skies" (S. J...

2. silence silence

Silence is golden.
Hundreds of soldiers ate in silence around their campfires.
The silence in the library was disturbed by the ringing of a cell phone.
A blanket of silence fell over everyone when they heard the disappointing announcement.
Voiceless screaming was interestingly represented through music notation by Alfred Schnittke: "silence fortissimo".
The human heart has hidden treasures, in secret kept, in silence sealed.
I take it from your silence that you are not satisfied with my answer.
The very pure spirit does not bother about the regard of others or human respect, but communes inwardly with God, alone and in solitude as to all forms, and with delightful tranquility, for the knowledge of God is received in divine silence.
My companions were watching me in silence and, unlike other times when my wonder had made them laugh, they remained serious.
Silence him before he uncovers anything newsworthy.
Many Americans are uncomfortable with silence, and they tend to regard silence in a conversation as a signal that they need to start talking.
I think it strange that Alice should keep silence for such a long time.
You have done these things, and I kept silence. You thought that the "I AM" was just like you. I will rebuke you, and accuse you in front of your eyes.
You can't identify silence with agreement when you visit Japan.
Languages should not be used, for that would adulterate their beauty. Rather, they should be cryogenically frozen and observed in silence.

Englisch Wort "Stille"(silence) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Poems" (Iris Tree)
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Memories" (Max Muller)
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Fun And Frolic" (Various)
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Ramuntcho" (Pierre Loti)
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Tip Lewis and His Lamp"...

3. stillness stillness

The stillness makes me scared.
... because it is truly stillness.

Englisch Wort "Stille"(stillness) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Verses" (Edith Wharton)
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "The Red Room" (H. G. We...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "The Furious Rose" (Dean...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "By Earthlight" (Bryce W...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "A Little Window" (Jean ...