das Wörterbuch griechisch Minus Englisch

ελληνικά - English

γραβάτα Englisch:

1. tie tie

Tie your shoelaces.
I'd describe him as a middle-aged man in a yellow jacket, orange tie and a pink shirt.
I used a ribbon to tie my hair into a ponytail.
A conservative tie is preferable to a loud one for a job interview.
I always tie my shoes tightly before I go jogging.
Before saying goodbye to their neighbors, the Smiths had to tie up some loose ends inside the house.
Since they didn't tie the knot following a grand love affair, it wasn't a matter of blind love.
Oooh, get a move on. We'll end up late! Come on, I'll tie your shoelaces for you.
It is unusual to see rock stars wearing a tie!
Decorated with blue and yellow strips, the tie was very unfashionable.
family ties, the ties between Great Britain and France
the robber tied the shopkeeper up before leaving the shop
bow tie
Jeff wore the tie which Kim had given him for a birthday present.