das Wörterbuch griechisch Minus Englisch

ελληνικά - English

παραδίδω Englisch:

1. hand in hand in

I've decided to hand in my resignation
When i hand in my papers at the endof an exam i feel relieved that it's over.
He hand in his homework to his teacher.
‘Please hand in your homework tomorrow,’ said the teacher.
Can you hand in your homework, please?
When James was at university he always used to hand in his essays on time.
Please finish writing and hand in the poems.
if you hand in something such as your homework, you give it to your teacher. If you hand in your resignation or your notice, you tell your employer that you are going to leave your job
[Please hand in your keys when you leave the hotel. // All essays must be handed in by Tuesday.]
All students had to hand in their essays by Friday.
When will you hand in your assignment?
hand in an essay
We should hand in our essays by Friday

Englisch Wort "παραδίδω"(hand in) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Notes 15/02/2019 (a)

2. deliver deliver

Vaccines deliver antibodies that fight disease.
I'm certain we can deliver the laboratory equipment by March 15th.
He delivered newspapers.
Please order this product by February 15, and we will be able to deliver it before March 15.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
We deliver your order free of charge within a 20-mile limit.
Because of the contract, he is bound to deliver them.
Please inform us as to what quantity you can deliver at regular intervals.
Deliver us from evil.
My new TV will be delivered tomorrow morning.
deliver its opinion on the investment made in
I’m having some flowers delivered for her birthday.
The company failed to deliver the high quality service that we expect.
He delivered a long speech. There are two parcel deliveries a week.

Englisch Wort "παραδίδω"(deliver) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Notes 16/03/2018