das Wörterbuch griechisch Minus Englisch

ελληνικά - English

σκοπεύω να κάνω κάτι Englisch:

1. intend intend

I intend to go there.
It should be noted that Dole did not intend to change the configuration of the communication protocol.
From the moment I picked up your book until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.
I don't intend to flatly reject suicide, but I really wish parents would not make their children join in with them.
Although we may intend to judge a person on the basis of his or her personal qualities, they are not visible at first sight.
Brian is mad because Chris obviously does not intend to return the money.
Evidence that Harrison did not intend this work to be a parody can be seen in his letter to Mrs. Evans.
I intend to leave tomorrow, so I'd like to have an early morning call.
writeen or spoken agreement intended to be enforceable by law
What do you intend to do? (Co zamierzasz zrobić?) May I ask how long you intend to stay here? (Czy mogę spytać jak długo zamierzacie tu zostać?
I didn't intend her to hear the conversation. They intend to go to Croatia next year.
I intended it as a surprise so I didn’t say anything.
We finished later than we had intended.
Words often have several different meanings and we can tell which meaning is intended only by seeing how the word is used.
If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?

Englisch Wort "σκοπεύω να κάνω κάτι"(intend) tritt in Sätzen auf:

LK2.-2A - LK2.13A