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English - English

to accept Englisch:

1. acceptable acceptable

His ideas are too radical to be acceptable to most people.
Let's find a solution that is acceptable to everyone.
Doing math is the only socially acceptable way to masturbate in public.
Cheating on one's spouse is not usually considered acceptable behavior.
OPP unacceptable
There are conditions under which breaking a promise or telling a lie are acceptable.
It is acceptable to mention your job and interests and to ask the other person about his, but be careful not to let the conversation become too personal.
A lot of people exceed the speed limit so it must be acceptable.
In our interpretation, the output data in Table 2 is an acceptable variation of that in Table 1.
Driving after drinking alcohol is not acceptable behavior.
Acceptable and unacceptable are clearly in opposition to each other.
Do you think it is acceptable for animals to be used in experiments?
The factory has been producing higher than acceptable levels of pollution
He had no acceptable answer for that.

Englisch Wort "to accept"(acceptable) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Los sufijos más utilizados en inglés

2. to undertake to undertake

He had to undertake a job not connected with his studies.
Under the Childcare Act 2006, every council is obliged to undertake an assessment of the sufficiency of childcare in its area.

3. embrace embrace

embrace globalization
Head spinning, lungs screaming, she ran into its embrace.
If you embrace someone, you put your arms around them...
But when we push aside normal emotions to embrace false positivity...
You must embrace him for me, Holy Father.
I need an embrace. He embraced the socialist ideology with enthusiasm.
This is a difficult responsibility to embrace. For human history has often been a record of nations and tribes subjugating one another to serve their own interests. Yet in this new age, such attitudes are self-defeating.
He was doubtful at first but soon came to embrace my advice.
Embrace your vulnerability, feel your fear, love fully.
Why do women want to sleep in a man's embrace?
Perhaps you will be surprised but my only desire in this life is to see my son and give him a loving embrace before I die.
I think that our culture is a bit crazy not to embrace it,
Right, so she wants us to embrace – to accept – the idea of a workplace power-nap.
I think that our culture is a bit crazy not to embrace it, and one of the reasons we don't is our attitude, you know it's quite counter-cultural to do nothing in order to get ahead.
People need to be aware of their differences, but also embrace their commonness.

4. to approve to approve

Englisch Wort "to accept"(to approve) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Sprawdzian 3B

5. to acknowledge to acknowledge

I would like to acknowledge you for your support.
to acknowledge sb (as/to be) an excellent lawyer

Englisch Wort "to accept"(to acknowledge) tritt in Sätzen auf:

unit 3 part 1