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English - English

unprecedented Englisch:

1. that has never happened before

Englisch Wort "unprecedented"(that has never happened before) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Advanced English words that start with "U"

2. never happened before

Englisch Wort "unprecedented"(never happened before) tritt in Sätzen auf:

words and phrases 1

3. unsurpassed

a coastline unsurpassed beauty
The quality of craftsmanship in this clock company is unsurpassed.

Englisch Wort "unprecedented"(unsurpassed) tritt in Sätzen auf:

vocab aug 20 2018

4. precedent

She said the Family X case had helped set a precedent for the way children should be represented in court. There is no precedent in international development for the challenge the world now faces in Africa.
the precedent that the emergency woud set
It's totally without precedent for the suspect's attorney to be the true culprit.
The precedent says that...
We have to consider the precedent events.
judical precedent
this decision has set an important legal precedent for other countries.
We are dealing here with a new precedent, which will only be tested in the future.
The precedent in the field of taxation of savings should set alarm bells ringing.
There are several precedents for promoting people who don't have formal qualifications.
Russia argues that the international recognition of Kosovo may serve as a precedent.
If there is a precedent for an action or event, it has happened before, and this can be regarded as an argument for doing it again
This is disturbing news and totally without precedent. Arab states condemned the plan, regarding it as setting a dangerous precedent.
The principal explained that even though one student had done modelling work outside of school, the outfits that student wore in those photographs in no way established a precedent for what could be worn at school dances.
I have entered on an enterprise which is without precedent, and will have no imitator.

Englisch Wort "unprecedented"(precedent) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Word Formation (Year 3)

5. precede

Verbs are usually preceded by the subject in English.
The formal ceremony was preceded by a parade.
An adverb may precede the verb.
She got up to precede him to the door.
Six Sigma was something different, something more than the numerous other business fads that had preceded it
private victories precede public victories.
This date must precede the date the certificate was signed.
His wife preceded him in death a few months earlier.
The parade will precede the annual ball.
It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.
a gun battle had preceded the explosions
Strongly correlates with neurosis and depression, which tended to follow alcohol abuse, rather than precede it.
Bill Clinton preceded George Bush as the president of the US.
Although the arrival of coffee preceded that of tea, it is the second drink which is the more popular today.
In Asia men usually precede women when walking.

6. never done or known before

7. never having happened or existed in the past

8. not typical

9. never having happened before

10. uncommon

A six-figure income is not uncommon for physicians.
Such a case is not uncommon today.
Cholera is uncommon in Japan.
It is uncommon for people to live over 100 years old.
Water is an uncommon natural resource in some African countries.
It's uncommon to see such a thing.
It’s uncommon to see dolphins from the beach because they don’t usually come so close.
It is so uncommon to find a foreigner learning Polish for fun.
We sometimes say: "Common sense is quite uncommon."
The only remaining region in the world where obesity is uncommon is sub-Saharan Africa.
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious.