He enjoys his position.
At this rate, the risk is high that our country's competitive position will drop even further.
After John became manager, he told me he would never have expected to reach such a high position.
The police officer pointed his pistol at the criminal, who, in turn, held his pistol directly pointed at the officer. Neither had the advantage, the position was a stalemate.
Appointing Cuddles the Bear to the position of Secretary of Defense was one of the defining mistakes of Dolly's brief career as president of the People's Democratic Republic of Tea Time.
But she had not expected to cross an ocean, enter a new and romantic-sounding country, and find herself in exactly the same position.
There is a tendency for Japanese to want to know a certain amount of personal information about someone such as age, position and whether they are married or not, before they feel comfortable talking with a stranger.
Brilliant papers by Comrade Stalin allowed Soviet linguistics to take the leading position in the world.
In this paper I address the question, what is difficult about the intermediary's position in a negotiation?
to be in position to do sth - być w stanie coś zrobić / I'm sure they'd like to help her out financially, but they're not in a position to do so
Somebody who wavers between hope and fear over superficial things should not be appointed to a management position.
Englisch Wort "posición"(position) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Fichas del libro - "A Doll's House" (Henrik Ibsen)Fichas del libro - "On Commando" (Dietlof Van Warm...Fichas del libro - "The Spirit of 1906" (George W....Fichas del libro - "An Alphabet of History" (Wilbu...Fichas del libro - "The Bay State Monthly, Volume ...2.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
By the time our long conversation was over, Mother was tired of standing.
The hall was filled with such a large audience that there wasn't even standing room.
standing order
And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady, Michelle Obama.
Near the door, an elaborate metal robot -- a robot designed to keep away intruders, was standing coldly.
Calm down a little, Kissho, your bumpkin nature is standing out!
Literary composition is a great achievement that concerns the ruling of a state, a splendid affair of eternal standing.
When I think of our standing in the series from now I don't want us to lose even once!
As a political ingenue who has not held office at any level before, she represents an audacious, if outside, threat to establishment figure Cuomo who has powerful standing in the party.
It is a strange feeling that creeps over you, when you are standing in front of somebody you dreamed about last night.
In most societies, it's rude to refer to someone in the third person when he or she is standing right there.
60,000 lucky number request: I got a request to draw an illustration for the site of Beikyu, who hit the lucky number, "Standing By A Little Maple Tree".
After having read the economic white paper, I am beginning to see the light on our financial standing.
People think completely differently when they're standing and when they're sitting.
Englisch Wort "posición"(standing) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Fichas del libro - "Bird Stories and Dog Stories" ...Fichas del libro - "The Modern Railroad" (Edward H...Fichas del libro - "Story of Chester Lawrence" (Ne...Fichas del libro - "Six Bad Husbands and Six Unhap...Fichas del libro - "Ahead of the Show The Adventur...