das Wörterbuch Spanisch Minus Englisch

español - English

susurro Englisch:

1. whisper whisper

What did she whisper to you?
We talked in whispers.
Don't whisper.
A whisper ran through the crowd.
I have to make louder television because he is almost whispering.
I think you shouldn't whisper.
He whispered very quietly.
there's nobody here, so you can stop whispering
"Come with me," Tom whispered.
"Don't mind what the others say," she whispered softly.
I whispered: "I love you".
We were in the library, so we had to whisper.
"I wonder," said Jack in a whisper.
They were whispering excitedly together.
Don't you know it's rude to whisper?

Englisch Wort "susurro"(whisper) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Materials, sound and their properties
Fichas del libro - "Men of Affairs" (Roland Pertwee)
Angie (Rolling Stones) - Traducida
4th grade sight words

2. rustling rustling

I heard the leaves rustling.

Englisch Wort "susurro"(rustling) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Fichas del libro - "Six Little Ducklings" (Kathari...
Fichas del libro - "Ballad of the Lost Hare" (Marg...
Fichas del libro - "Songs of the Glens of Antrim" ...