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toimittaja Englisch:

1. journalist journalist

A crowd of journalists gathered outside his house.
I'm a journalist.
I've been working as journalist for two years.
The journalist is what you call a cosmopolitan.
If you were journalist, what stories would you like to write about?
This journalist, whose article you were so interested in, is my neighbor.
The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.
In my school, pupils from the literary set often organize gatherings at which popular artists, journalists or authors talk about their life, professional careers, read extracts of their writings and give autographs.
I read an article by a leading sports journalist yesterday.
A journalist should never be biased.
I know a journalist who works in a radio station.
The best thing about being a journalist is that every story is different.
"Mark Zuckerberg, a journalist was asking him a question about the news feed. "
There's a journalist on the phone – he wants to interview you.

Englisch Wort "toimittaja"(journalist) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Top 1000 Finnish Nouns 801 - 850
Jobs in Finnish

2. editor editor

The editor introduced some corrections to the text.
I know the editor of this newspaper personally.
The editor glanced over the manuscript.
In my professional life I'm an editor.
The editor and publisher of this magazine was criticized by some readers.
The paper published a profile of its new editor.
The editor and publisher is my cousin.
She is made to be an editor.
The editor often omits those little details that make the author's points logically sound.
Please open the file circled in red with a text editor.
An editor is a person in charge of a newspaper or magazine; or part of one; and decides what should be in it.
Who is the editor of Guardian?
John works as an editor on the Times.
The editor wants to read your piece again.
He's the editor of the Daily Telegraph.

Englisch Wort "toimittaja"(editor) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Top 1000 Finnish Nouns 901 - 950