The thunderstorm yesterday delayed the delivery of the mail.
Communications have been cut off for two hours because of a thunderstorm.
Black clouds announced the coming thunderstorm.
The thunderstorm produced a lot of lightning.
There was a thunderstorm yesterday
It was scary travelling by plane to Crete during the thunderstorm.
During summers we always witness lots of thunderstorms.
We enjoyed the picnic until a thunderstorm intervened.
Trains were disrupted due to a thunderstorm.
Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunderstorm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.
The businessman is trying to keep his people on the go by keeping a stiff upper lip, but they are just acting like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.
Englisch Wort "ukkonen"(thunderstorm) tritt in Sätzen auf:
slowka na kurs2.
Lightning precedes thunder.
It is because light travels faster than sound that we see lightning before we hear thunder.
I had hardly walked a mile when it began to thunder.
Thunder indicates that a storm is near.
To make matters worse, it began to thunder fiercely.
The morning forecast predicted thunder showers later in the day.
Thunder has been explained scientifically, and people no longer believe it is a sign that the gods are angry with them, so thunder, too, is a little less frightening.
It's so muggy; I think it will thunder in a short while.
We took cover from the thunder shower.
Thunder rolled with menacing crashes.
the horses thundered down the race track
to thunder
I don’t mind the lightning, but I’m afraid of thunder.
It was very stormy, with ear-splitting thunder and flashes of lightning across the sky.