das Wörterbuch Französisch Minus Englisch

Français - English

la commode Englisch:

1. dresser's dresser's

Englisch Wort "la commode"(dresser's) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Fiches du livre - "Michael Faraday Man of Science"...
Fiches du livre - "Life of Wm. Tecumseh Sherman. L...
Fiches du livre - "The Church of St. Bunco A Drast...
Fiches du livre - "Harris's List of Covent Garden ...
Fiches du livre - "The Two Story Mittens and the L...

2. chest of drawers chest of drawers

We bought a mahogany chest of drawers for £200.
I need to move the chest of drawers.

Englisch Wort "la commode"(chest of drawers) tritt in Sätzen auf:

furniture in French - les meubles en français
Furniture and fittings - Les meubles et les agence...
Home - La maison

3. dresser dresser

Tom helped Mary move the dresser.
This dresser takes up too much room.
Her sewing basket, dresser drawers and pantry shelves are all systematically arranged in apple-pie order.
That book I was telling you about, it's on my dresser.
The teacher is counted the best dresser in our school.
Paul is a natty dresser.

Englisch Wort "la commode"(dresser) tritt in Sätzen auf:

La salle de bain et la chambre - The bathroom and ...
Fiches du livre - "The Tale of Two Bad Mice" (Beat...
Fiches du livre - "The Price of Coal A Play" (Haro...