das Wörterbuch Französisch Minus Englisch

Français - English

une pharmacie Englisch:

1. pharmacy pharmacy

Could you go to the pharmacy, please?
The pharmacy is around the corner.
I work in a pharmacy.
Take this prescription to your pharmacy.
Until what time does your pharmacy stay open?
We stopped by the pharmacy on the way home.
There was no more painkiller at the pharmacy.
Can you get some aspirin at the pharmacy for me?
We'll give your pharmacy a call.
First I went to the pharmacy.
Where is pharmacy?
Would you know where there is a pharmacy that is open till late?
The pharmacy was open twenty-four hours, so he managed to get his tablets after all.
Run to the pharmacy to get the medicine.
People taking pharmacy with the intent of becoming chemists should choose the six year course.

Englisch Wort "une pharmacie"(pharmacy) tritt in Sätzen auf:

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