das Wörterbuch Französisch Minus Englisch

Français - English

uniforme Englisch:

1. uniform uniform

The school uniform is convenient because it can be worn for both informal and formal occasions.
I met her at the station, but I did not recognize her in uniform.
uniform scale
It's said to be a girls' high school characterised by its quiet and traditional feel and a chic, high-class uniform.
Is that some sort of uniform? "Oh right, it's because I play field hockey."
Uniform number No. 7 is his younger brother.
It's not as if an emissary from outer space will have slipped into school uniform and be loitering around seeking a partner.
Come to that the uniform had a bit more starch than that I usually wear, it's a bit uncomfortable.
If she finds out that that uniform was one I bought to get my former girlfriend to be a pretend 'high school girl' ...
The general cut a distinguished figure in his dress uniform.
And also the gym uniform is still gym shorts, isn't it? I wonder why.
The school insists on wearing uniforms from the first day until the last one.
My school uniform was bright green in colour.
Our school uniform is a white shirt with blue trousers or a blue skirt.
European citizens' freedom of movement must be treated on a uniform basis.

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